Page 15 - RIU Oct 5 2022
P. 15
U.S. NEWS Diaranson 5 october 2022
After storms, NYC moving location of planned migrant shelter
(AP) — Giant tents for ing the center “is the most
temporarily housing mi- efficient and effective path
grants arriving in New forward.”
York City are being moved
to an island off Manhat- The city’s plan for Orchard
tan from a remote corner Beach had been met with
of the Bronx, after storms concern by immigration ad-
raised concerns over vocates, who cited its inacces-
flooding at the original sibility among other reasons,
site. and that concern extended to
the new location.
Mayor Eric Adams an-
nounced Monday that the “The city must look to other
city’s humanitarian relief solutions instead of tent cit-
center will now be on Ran- ies, where our clients will be
dall’s Island, which sits in the isolated, vulnerable to ex-
waters between Manhattan, treme weather, and far from
Queens and the Bronx. It’s public transportation and
connected by five bridges to other critical services,” the
the three boroughs, and peo- Legal Aid Society and the
ple can take buses or walk off Coalition for the Homeless
the island to reach the city’s said in a statement issued
subway system. Tuesday.
The center’s tents had been Adams said the new site
put up in a parking lot at Or- would open in around the
chard Beach, in the northeast same time as the original
part of the Bronx on Long Is- one, although he didn’t spec-
land Sound, where access to ify when that would be, and
public transportation is lim- would house 500 people.
ited. Images online showed
water ponding at the site In recent months, New York
following rainfall over the City has seen an unexpected
weekend. increase in migrants seeking
In a statement announcing asylum in the United States,
the change, Adams said while sent to the city from other
the city could have made the states including Texas and The influx has put a strain leading officials to look for proposing the temporary tent
original location work, mov- Arizona. on the city’s shelter system, places to house people and facilities.
US to require more rest between shifts for flight attendants
(AP) – Airlines will be re- Current federal rules allow people making it hell for lines, flight attendants and who are prepared to carry out
quired to give flight atten- flight attendants to work up flight attendants on the front the public. their responsibilities, includ-
dants at least 10 hours off to 14 hours in a day and get lines,” Nelson said. ing cabin safety and other
duty between shifts, one nine hours of rest between Airlines for America, a trade duties, is critical to this goal.”
more hour than currently, shifts. The FAA took public com- group representing the larg- The group said it supports
under a rule announced ments on the extra rest re- est U.S. airlines, said safety “scientifically validated and
Tuesday by the Federal The Association of Flight At- quirement in both 2019 and is always the industry’s top data-driven countermeasures
Aviation Administration. tendants has fought for years 2021 and received more than priority, and “having rested to prevent fatigue.”
for a longer break between 1,000 comments from air- and alert flight attendants
Acting FAA Administrator shifts. The union thought it
Billy Nolen said that the ex- had prevailed four years ago,
tra hour of rest would con- when Congress voted by
tribute to safety. large margins to require more
rest. The union’s president,
The rule goes into effect in Sara Nelson, appeared with
30 days, and airlines have up Nolen at the news confer-
to 90 days to comply. ence and accused the Trump
administration of attempting
Congress directed the FAA to kill the expansion through
in 2018 to increase the rest regulatory foot-dragging.
requirement for flight atten-
dants and eliminate a provi- Union officials have pointed
sion that let crews work with to a 2020-2021 increase in
less rest under some circum- incidents involving unruly
stances. passengers as demonstrating
the need to give cabin crews
“It took us way too long, but more rest between shifts.
we are finally here,” Nolen Airlines have reported fewer
said at a news conference incidents since the federal re-
at Reagan Washington Na- quirement to wear face masks
tional Airport, where he was on flights ended in April.
flanked by more than a dozen
flight attendants. “This is a small handful of