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                                                                                                        SPORTS Wednesday 20 december 2023

            Rodgers’ return will come next season with Jets out of playoff hunt

            and QB not 100% healthy

             By DENNIS WASZAK Jr.                                                                                               in  general  manager  Joe
             AP Pro Football Writer                                                                                             Douglas,  coach  Robert
             Aaron  Rodgers’  quest  to                                                                                         Saleh  and  offensive  coor-
             make  an  improbable  re-                                                                                          dinator  Nathaniel  Hackett,
             turn this season for the New                                                                                       and  the  team  needs  to
             York Jets appears over.                                                                                            “reload” and not “rebuild”
             The  40-year-old  quarter-                                                                                         during the offseason.
             back said during his weekly                                                                                        “I  think  the  future  is  very
             appearance  on  “The  Pat                                                                                          bright,”   Rodgers    said.
             McAfee Show” on Tuesday                                                                                            “We’re going to rise again
             he’s not yet 100% healthy in                                                                                       and  it’s  going  to  be  excit-
             his recovery from a torn left                                                                                      ing.”
             Achilles tendon and is still a                                                                                     Rodgers  had  surgery  two
             few weeks away.                                                                                                    days after his injury and was
             “I’m  not  going  to  slow  my                                                                                     trying  to  have  the  fastest
             rehab   down,”    Rodgers                                                                                          return  to  the  playing  field
             said. “I’m going to keep at-                                                                                       from a torn Achilles tendon
             tacking it every single day.                                                                                       of  any  known  professional
             But  now  without  a  time-                                                                                        athlete.  Wednesday  will
             table to come back, obvi-                                                                                          mark 14 weeks since Rodg-
             ously  we  can  be  as  smart                                                                                      ers’  surgery,  which  report-
             as we need to be.”                                                                                                 edly  included  a  “speed
             Rodgers said if the Jets had                                                                                       bridge”  an internal brace
             won  last  Sunday  at  Miami   New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers looks up during the second half of an NFL football   on the Achilles tendon pro-
             and remained in the post-    game against the Miami Dolphins, Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023, in Miami Gardens, Fla. Associated Press   cedure that helps expedite
             season  hunt,  he  “would                                                                                          the healing process.
             have  pushed  it  as  far  as  I  that we’re still in it because  activate  him  from  the  in-  his  debut  with  the  Jets  on  He  thinks  his  comeback
             could  this  week”  even  at  it  was  unrealistic  to  think  jured  reserve  list.  That  still  Sept. 11, moments after he  can  serve  as  an  example
             less  than  fully  healthy  to  that I would be 100% to be  remains  a  possibility,  but  jogged onto the field while  for players who suffer a simi-
             be  ready  to  play  against  medically  cleared  at  any  he would then take a spot  carrying  an  American  flag  lar injury, which traditionally
             Washington on Sunday. But  point  during  the  regular  on  the  active  53-man  ros-  in  front  of  a  jam-packed  has taken most about nine
             the  Jets  were  routed  30-0  season,” Rodgers said. “I do  ter. Otherwise, the quarter-  MetLife Stadium.        months from which to heal.
             and  eliminated  from  the  feel like in the next three to  back will revert to IR for the  “That  won’t  be  the  lasting  “I  think  that  there’s  hope
             playoff  hunt  for  the  13th  four weeks, it would be very  rest of the season. Rodgers  image that you see of me  that  if  you  were  to  have
             straight year.              possible to get to 100%, but  still  needs  to  be  medically  in a Jets uniform,” he said.  an  injury  in  the  offseason,
             “If I was 100% today, I’d be  obviously not there.       cleared  to  fully  practice  “There’s  going  to  be  a  lot  that it’s not out of the ques-
             definitely pushing to play,”  “And  so  the  conversation  something that seemed to  more  amazing  things  to  tion  to  be  ready  for  Week
             Rodgers said. “But the fact  was away from 100% medi-    be a possibility.            come.”                       1 and definitely not out of
             is I’m not.”                cal clearance to a willing-  He  has  been  participat-   Rodgers added he doesn’t  the  question  to  be  ready
             Rodgers  never  firmly  said  ness  to  play.  And  that’s  ing in individual and 7-on-7  think next season will be his  for  the  season,”  Rodgers
             he  won’t  play  this  season,  never  been  a  problem  for  drills while also taking snaps  last  in  the  NFL,  saying  he  said. “So hopefully this isn’t
             but strongly indicated that  me.”                        from under center and jog-   always  wanted  to  play  at  looked at as kind of a one-
             is the case.                The  Jets  opened  the  21-  ging,  but  hasn’t  yet  done  least two years for the Jets  year  kind  of  loss  of  a  year
             “I  think  the  whole  time  it’s  day  practice  window  for  11-on-11 team drills.  and  this  season  was  “kind  death  sentence  moving
             been,  you  know,  hoping  Rodgers  on  Nov.  29  and  Rodgers  tore  his  Achilles  of a lost year.”              forward.”q
                                         have  until  Wednesday  to  tendon just four snaps into  He  said  he  has  full  faith
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