Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                                                                                                           local Friday 11 OctOber 2024

            Origin of Papiamento- Aruba’s native language

            ORANJESTAD      —   Papia-   piamento directly to Portu-  releases  to  the  English),  all
            mento, Creole language of  guese, Galician or Castilian  originated in the Creole of
            ABC  (Aruba,  Bonaire  and  (see  Papiamento,  on  Wiki-  Cabo Verde (Cape Verdean
            Curacao) is from the Cape  pedia - Portuguese version  language),  which  was  the
            Verdean    Creole    family  and Spanish version, where  French language spoken in
            (Cape Verdean language)  the Portuguese and Spanish,  Portuguese feitories on the
            and was taken to the Carib-  each claim the direct origin  coast of Africa (from Senegal
            bean in the 9th century by  of Papiamento), in fact, this  to Sierra Leone), and which
            the Cape Verdeans of that  is not true. Papiamento is not  was taken east by the thou-
            time  (linings  and  slaves),  direct from Portuguese, Gali-  sands of cable - Verdeans
            experts in cane culture and  cian or Castilian, it is from the  (linings and slaves, already
            sugar production, and who  Cape Verde Creole family  Christianized and speaking
            were hired by Jewish entre-  (Cape Verdean language).  Creole) who served as sailors
            preneurs who went to invest  You can see this best when  and “slaves of arms′′ in Portu-
            in this business in the Carib-  it's  saying  obscene  words  guese caravels, demanding
            bean. Cape Verdeans taught  and  offending  someone,  the east. I don't know why  the Hermini Mountains, but  guese origin, Daman, India,
            this pre-industrial revolution  precisely as they say today in  the official history of Portu-  not  much  speaking  of  our  Sri Lanka, Myanmar, some lo-
            technology (planting cane  both ABC and Cape Verde  gal  usually  omits  this  fact,  black-African ancestry.       cations in the Philippines and
            and producing sugar, which  islands. The obscene words  which is in the chronicles of                               some  places  in  Indonesia,
            they had learned from Ma-    kept the original, had no lexi-  the  quinrentist  chroniclers,  We Cape Verdeans under-  are creoles of the language
            deirans) to slaves from other  cal influence either from Cas-  but which we never saw in  stand each other very well  family Cape Verde Creole
            African regions, and did so in  tilian or Dutch. Also the Papi  the history of Portugal that  with these Antillans and East-  (Cape Verdean language)
            their language, Cape Verde  Cristang  of  Malacca,  the  we study from primary edu-    erns, whose language is from  and indirectly the Galaico-
            Creole   (Cape    Verdean  Patuá of Macau, and several  cation to higher education.  the  same  Creole  family  of  Duriense  or  Galaico-Portu-
            language) , hence the lan-   creoles from the east (from  However, it has always been  Cape Verde (Cape Verdean  guese, a language that the
            guage implanted in Aruba,  Daman,  Sri  Lanka,  Myan-     tried to deceive us, in colo-  language),  speaking  their  people spoke in Portugal in
            Bonaire and Curacao.         mar, Philippines, Indonesia)  nial time, that we were de-  Creole and we ours. There-  the 6th and 7th century.q
                                         and  Africa  (Casamança,  scendants of Viriato (Iberian  fore, Papiamento, Papi Cris-
            Unlike   many    interesting  Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone  hero in the fight against the  tang, Patuá Macaense and      Source: Dushi Aruba
            stories,  wanting  to  link  Pa-  and Nigeria, these last two  Romans) and the pastors of  the  creoles,  said  of  Portu-

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)

                                                low  blood  pressure  were  advised            Pomegranate              few  benefits  for  our  health.  Ac-
                                                to eat sweet potato 2 to 3 times a  Pomegranates are also one of the  cording to customs, pomegranate
                                                week.  However,  if  you  have  high  easier  fruits  to  plant  and  harvest.  skin tea can help those that suffer
                                                blood pressure, it is best not to eat  Originated  from  Persia,  this  plant  from diarrhea. Dried pomegranate
                                                too  much  sweet  potato,  as  this  can  grow  almost  everywhere.  In  skin tea is also good for people who
                                                raises blood pressure. Sweet pota-  Aruba,  there  are  many  homes  have worms. Pomegranate flowers
                                                toes are also great for people who  that have a tiny or big pomegran-   can be boiled to make a drink and
                                                work hard labor jobs, and it’s been  ate  tree.  You  may  be  wondering  this can be used for irritated gums;
                                                said to be aid blood circulation in  what the difference is between a  just take a swig and let the tea sit in
                                                the body, as well as help those with  small  and  big  pomegranate  tree,  your mouth for a couple minutes.
                                                hemorrhoids or diarrhea.            for  which  the  answer  is  based  on
                                                Many of our elders opted to plant  harvest  time.  Tiny  trees  produce   Source: Remedi i Kustumber di nos
                                                sweet potatoes themselves, mostly  tinier  pomegranates  that  can  be    Bieunan (Medicine and Customs of
            (Oranjestad)—In  last  week’s  edi-  because of how easy it was to do  harvested early on. Contrarily, big       our Elderly) by Dinah Veeris
            tion,  we  shared  with  our  readers   so. Cut the end of a sweet potato  trees  produce  bigger  pomegran-
            some medicinal use for plants and   let it sit in shallow water until it starts  ates,  but  they  need  enough  time
            fruits, passed down from our elders   to sprout. Then you may plant it in  to  fully  ripen  before  harvesting,
            through generations. This week, we   the ground. Sweet potatoes need  otherwise  you  might  end  up  with
            present two more uses of fruits and   plenty of water to grow, especially  bitter  seeds.  Pomegranate  trees
            plants for medicinal use.           in  the  first  week  in  the  ground.  It  are also very easy to plant. In es-
                                                was said that once you start to no-  sence,  if  you  just  throw  the  seeds
                       Sweet potato             tice the ground crack underneath  on  the  ground,  they  could  grow
            According to our elders, sweet po-  the flowers, it is time to harvest. This  into a tree.
            tato  is  mostly  useful  for  low  blood   should happen around month 3.   In  terms  of  medicinal  use,  pome-
            pressure.  People  who  suffer  from                                    granate  skins  are  said  to  have  a
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