Page 54 - MIN TTC 23 JAN 2016
P. 54


BUSINESSSaturday 23 January 2016

Energy stocks lead broad rally as price of oil soars                                                                                                               In December, US
                                                                                                                                                                   rental home price
MARLEY JAY                      points before recouping        day’s midday swoon.                                                Friday on hopes for more
AP Markets Writer               some of its loss.              “It’s going to continue to                                         economic stimulus from             growth slowed
NEW YORK (AP) —  U.S.           Much of the volatility has     be a struggle,” he said.                                           the region’s central bank.
stocks made their big-          been driven by wild swings     “Everyone will be con-                                             In Japan, the Nikkei 225 in-    JOSH BOAK
gest gain in more than          in the price of crude oil,     vinced we’re heading for                                           dex had its best day in four    AP Economics Writer
a month on Friday as oil        which many investors see       recession, everyone will be                                        months as investors hoped       WASHINGTON (AP) —
prices surged, lifting ener-    as a barometer for how         convinced we’re in a bear                                          the Bank of Japan will also     Home rental price growth
gy stocks. Tech stocks also     well the global economy        market.”                                                           step in.                        turned tame in December
                                                                                                                                  In energy trading,  U.S.        — a sign that a burst of
U.S. stocks made their biggest gain in more than a month on Friday as oil prices surged, lifting                                  crude rose $2.66 to $32.19      new apartment construc-
energy stocks. Trader Gregory Rowe works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.                                             a barrel in New York. Brent     tion last year may be re-
                                                                                                                                  crude, a benchmark for in-      lieving cost pressures.
                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  ternational oils, rose $2.93,   Real estate data firm Zil-
                                                                                                                                  or 10 percent, to $32.18 a      low said Friday that me-
climbed as Apple jumped         is doing. A sharp drop in      On Friday the Dow Jones                                            barrel in London.  U.S. oil     dian rent rose a seasonally
the most since August.          oil prices over the last year  industrial average rose                                            climbed 21 percent over         adjusted 3.3 percent from
Energy companies soared         and a half has decimated       210.83 points, or 1.3 per-                                         the last two days and it        a year ago. The median
after the price of U.S. crude   profits at oil companies,      cent, to 16,093.51. The                                            has recovered about half        rent nationwide has held
jumped 9 percent. Oil pric-     and many expect the            Standard & Poor’s 500 in-                                          its losses from earlier in the  steady at $1,381 a month
es reached their lowest         damage to continue as          dex had its best day since                                         year.                           since August, after having
level in 12 years earlier this  global production of oil far   early December, gaining                                            Among energy stocks,            previously surged dramati-
week, but they jumped the       outstrips demand.              37.91 points, or 2 percent,                                        pipeline operator Kinder        cally above the pace of
last two days.                  As for market turbulence,      to 1,906.90. The Nasdaq                                            Morgan rose $1.46, or 10.5      wage growth. In several
The gain Friday, combined       many expect more of that,      composite index made its                                           percent, to $15.34 after it     major markets, median
with a smaller increase the     too.                           biggest gain since Septem-                                         jumped 16 percent Thurs-        rents barely budged over
day before, gave the mar-       Jim Paulsen, chief invest-     ber, adding 119.12 points,                                         day. Pipeline company           the past year. Rents edged
ket its first weekly advance    ment strategist for Wells      or 2.7 percent, to 4,591.18.                                       Williams Cos. added $3.70,      up just 0.4 percent in Chi-
after three weeks of de-        Capital Management, said       For the week, the Dow rose                                         or 23.1 percent, to $19.74.     cago, 1.8 percent in Phila-
clines. It’s been a dismal      he thinks the S&P 500 will     0.7 percent, the S&P 500                                           Devon Energy gained             delphia, and 1.6 in St. Louis.
start to the year so far, and   slide to around 1,800 be-      climbed 2 percent and the                                          $1.45, or 6 percent, to         Even hot markets such as
on Wednesday the Dow            fore a real recovery comes.    Nasdaq increased 2.3 per-                                          $25.63.                         Denver, Portland and San
Jones industrial average        That’s below even the dark-    cent.                                                              Goldman Sachs analyst           Jose have retreated from
tumbled as much as 565          est moments from Wednes-       European markets also rose                                         Jeffrey Currie said energy      annual gains that just two
                                                                                                                                  prices have fallen so far       months ago were in the
                                                                                                                                  that the industry is mak-       double digits.
                                                                                                                                  ing real cuts in production.    New construction has
                                                                                                                                  “We are now at a price          helped temper price
                                                                                                                                  level that is creating real     growth in many of these
                                                                                                                                  fundamental change,” he         markets. The government
                                                                                                                                  said.                           reported Wednesday that
                                                                                                                                  Apple, which has lost about     the completion of multi-
                                                                                                                                  a quarter of its value in the   family housing — which
                                                                                                                                  last six months, rose $5.12,    includes apartments —
                                                                                                                                  or 5.3 percent, to $101.42.     surged 20.6 percent last
                                                                                                                                  Microsoft gained $1.81, or      year to 308,300 buildings.
                                                                                                                                  4 percent, to $52.29. Face-     “Builders and landlords
                                                                                                                                  book added $3.78, or 4          have been saying they
                                                                                                                                  percent.                        need to give up a bunch
                                                                                                                                  France’s CAC 40 added           more concessions now be-
                                                                                                                                  3.1 percent and Germa-          cause more units are avail-
                                                                                                                                  ny’s DAX rose 2 percent.        able,” said Svenja Gudell
                                                                                                                                  Britain’s FTSE 100 climbed      chief economist at Zillow,
                                                                                                                                  2.2 percent.q                   adding that apartment
                                                                                                                                                                  buildings in Denver and
Judge: Wal-Mart strikes protected under law                                                                                                                       Washington are even of-
                                                                                                                                                                  fering free parking spaces
NEW YORK (AP) — A Nation-       “disciplining or discharging   tory.                                                              Mart spokesman Kory Lund-       to entice potential renters.
al Labor Relations Board        several associates because     The decision, posted on                                            berg said that it disagreed     Rents had been appreciat-
judge has ruled that Wal-       they were absent from          the labor board’s website                                          with the judge’s findings       ing at double the pace of
Mart Stores Inc. unlawfully     work while on strike.”         late Thursday, arrived one                                         and that it will pursue all of  incomes for much of 2015.
disciplined workers who         The judge also ordered         day after the nation’s larg-                                       its options to defend the       But they’re now starting to
staged protests in May and      Wal-Mart to hold a meet-       est private employer an-                                           company.                        pull closer together. Aver-
June of 2013 and ordered        ing in 29 stores through-      nounced raises for more                                            It called its actions “legal    age hourly earnings have
the retailer to reinstate 16    out the country to inform      than 1.2 million U.S. hourly                                       and justified.”                 risen 2.5 percent from a
former employees, as well       employees of their right to    workers, which is most of                                          “We are focused on provid-      year ago to $25.24, the La-
as give them back pay.          strike, and to promise not to  them. The Bentonville, Ar-                                         ing our hard working asso-      bor Department said ear-
Judge Geoffrey Carter           threaten or discipline em-     kansas, retailer said in Oc-                                       ciates more opportunity for     lier this month.
ruled that the employee         ployees for doing so.          tober that it would invest                                         success and career growth       In some cases, areas with
actions were protected          The complaint was filed on     $2.7 billion in its workforce                                      by raising wages, providing     less job growth have seen
under the National Labor        behalf of the labor-backed     over two years.                                                    new training, education         lower rental price increas-
Relations Act and that Wal-     group “Our Walmart,”           In a statement e-mailed to                                         and expanded benefit op-        es. Annual job gains have
Mart violated labor laws by     which called it a huge vic-    The Associated Press, Wal-                                         tions,” Lundberg wrote.q        averaged almost 2 per-
                                                                                                                                                                  cent nationally. q
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