Page 2 - MIN ON 22JAN,2016
P. 2
LOCALFriday 22 January 2016
At the Cinemas at Renaissance:
Local Students Enjoy Screening of “Cabeibusha: The Curly Gem
ORANJESTAD - School- the leading actor, was the students. “What was your goal?” pupils handed SQ, a bou-
teacher Murielle Brown present after the screening Some of the questions “How many trophies do quet of flowers, drawings,
succeeded in her objec- of the film for a question asked included “What lead you have?” “Are you ever paintings of her windsurf-
tive this week to get 200 el- and answer session with you to do windsurfing?” nervous during a competi- ing, poems, a gift cer-
ementary school students tion?” “How did you come tificate and round of ap-
from the 5th and 6th grade by the knick name “ Ca- plause. Upon leaving the
of Mon Plaisir and Prinses beibusha?” “How many conference center a pupil
Amalia elementary schools languages do you speak?” shouted “Sarah-Quita you
to see the film “Cabeibu- “What are some of your are an inspiration”. It was
sha: The Curly Gem.” hobbies?” “Have you ever evident that this project
Together with the head- suffered a serious injury impacted both the pupils,
master Roelien Hoffman- while windsurfing?” teachers and parents pres-
Kock of Prinses Amalia El- Sarah-Quita replied that ent. If you are not yet fa-
ementary School, parents she was attracted to wind- miliar with the documenta-
like Marja Hoveling and surfing due to the great ry, it is a film portrait about
Marisol Tromp, several vibe and atmosphere at Sarah-Quita Offringa pro-
companies and private the Aruba Hi-Winds and duced by the German film-
persons were successfully relaxed lifestyle of the sail- maker Julian Robinet.
approached to join forces ors. Her goal when she first Together they travelled
to sponsor this project. The started was to win a world halfway around the globe.
educational objective was title and now her objec- They set out in search of the
to promote self-esteem in tive is to travel in search of highest waves in Australia,
these 10, 11 and 12-year- great windsurf spots and at visited Aruba, the home of
old students and broaden the same time meet peo- Sarah-Quita, explored un-
their horizons in order to in- ple from different cultures. known territories in Iceland
still in them that although “In all I believe I have ap- and travelled to Europe to
they hail from a tiny hum- proximately 40 trophies of document Sarah-Quita’s
ble island, that in Aruba which 10 are world titles,” fight for the world champi-
we’ve got talent! To that she continued. “Being ner- onship title.
end Sarah-Quita Offringa, vous is a plus as you tend For those who missed out
to be more alert and I se- during the weeks gone by
date myself by repeating to see the film in the the-
my mantra: I can do all ater you have a LAST OP-
things through Christ who PORTUNITY to do so this
strengthens me. I was pon- week at The cinemas at
dering about an email ad- Paseo Herencia weekdays
dress when my dad Ruud at 5:00pm & 6:30pm and
Offringa coined the word at Renaissance weekdays
“Cabeibusha” which de- at 5:00pm while Saturday
picts my look succinctly. I and Sunday at 3:00pm.
speak Dutch, English, Pa- The very last screening will
piamento, Spanish, French, be on January 25th in the
Portuguese and under- Cinemas at Renaissance at
stand German and Turkish. 3:00pm.
My favorite hobbies are A beautiful, oversized cof-
reading, arts & craft, tennis, fee table book has been
surfing to name some. In my published to accompany
10-year career as a wind- the film, which Sarah-Quita
surfer I have never suffered personally inscribes. It is ac-
any serious injuries other companied by a USB card
than scratches and bruises containing the 73 minute
until the penultimate sla- movie. It can be purchased
lom race in New Caledo- by calling 593-9066 and will
nia in 2014 when I cata- be delivered.
pulted while my head and For more information on
feet flipped back causing the Aruban Gem go to her
me to sustain a bruised disc website www.sarah-quita.
which causes stiffness in my com or follow her on Face-
back to this day.” book at: Sarah-Quita ARU-
After that lively Q&A some 91.q