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a8    local
                       Monday 29 July 2024

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to por-       Last but not least: check out our website,
            trait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite vacation   Instagram  and  Facebook  page!  Thank
            picture while enjoying our Happy Island.                  you for supporting our free newspaper, we
                                                                      strive to make you a happy reader every
            Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your       day again.
            picture with that text (including your name and where you
            are from) to: and we will publish     For today we received a lovely message
            your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep    from Eileen and Bruno Santini from Mount
            your best moments alive? Please do note: By submitting    Kisco, New York, USA.
            photos, text or any other materials, you give permission to
            The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers          They wrote to us saying: “Aruba to us      habited  the  island.  Thank  you  God
            and any of its affiliated companies to use said materials,   is about the island’s natural beauty       for bring us to this Island gem of the
            as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes    and  its  happy  friendly  people.We       Caribbean.
            without compensation.                                        came to Aruba for our Honeymoon
                                                                         in June of 1974. We stayed at the Divi     We  rode  on  and  found  ourselves
                                                                         Divi and fell in love with Aruba. The      riding  through  high  coral  walls  with
            Prohibited by law: leaving                                   wonderful  colors  of  the  Caribbean      steps  leading  up  to  carved  caves

                                                                         Sea  and  the  amazing  white  coral
            the island with seashells,                                   beaches.  We  rented  a  motorcycle        filled with religious statues and can-
                                                                                                                    dles. They were worshipping places
            white sand or corals                                         and began to explore the island.           of the Arubian peoples of yesteryear

                                                                         We rode north to the California Light-     to  the  present.  We  went  past  their
                                                                                                                    houses and through little communi-
                                                                         house gasping at breathtaking views
            (Oranjestad)—Often  times,                                   of its coastline filled with divi divi trees   ties  of  people  working  and  going
            the customs department at                                    and  coral  formation.  Driving  along     about their daily chores.
            the airport intercepts many                                  on a dirt road each turn provided us
            tourists  leaving  the  island                               with  another  fantastic  view.  As  we    We stopped at a large cave to es-
            with  seashells,  white  sand                                got to the Lighthouse we saw wind-         cape the heat of the afternoon. As
            and/or corals as souvenirs.                                  swept  sand  dunes  with  shades  of       we walked around there was a large
                                                                         blue and green waters as their back-       hole in the ceiling of the cave that
            Conforming  to  the  inter-                                  ground, a painter's masterpiece. We        let plenty of light in. A natural place
            national  treaty  of  CITES                                  were on the rough side of Aruba.           for people to seek relief from the el-
            and  our  local  law  which                                                                             ements. Next we rode farther south
            protects  our  Flora  &  Fau-                                As we continued on, every once and         we came to a spectacular vision of a
            na,  it  is  absolutely  prohib-                             a while we saw small sandy beach-          clam shaped beach known as Baby
            ited  to  take  any  seashell,                               es carved from the coral. We soon          Beach. As we rode up the west side
            sand  and  coral  outside                                    came to a natural bridge also curved       of  the  island  we  went  through  little
            of Aruba. This is to protect   Though we love to accom-      from the force of the waters smash-        clusters of houses and small commu-
            our  environment.  The  high   modate our visitors, let’s all   ing against the rocks. Truly amazing    nities.
            number  of  seashells,  coral   give  nature  the  respect  it   and  worth  a  closer  look.  Continu-
            and  amount  of  sand  con-  deserves by protecting our      ing  on  our  discovery  tour  we  rode    It  is  our  fiftieth  anniversary  this  year
            fiscated is very strange and   environment.  Stop  collect-  through cactus lined dirt roads and        and  there's  no  other  place  that
            it is suspected that our own   ing  seashells,  white  sand   found unbelievable rock formations.       we  would  want  to  be  than  Aruba.
            locals  are  the  ones  selling   and corals from our shores   Then we stopped and were given a         We  visited  here  twenty  times.  We
            these to the tourists, which   and  stop  buying  or  ac-    panoramic view of the island as we         brought  our  children  on  many  of
            is unacceptable.             cepting  these  from  local     climbed to the top of the rocks.           those visits to enjoy our timeshare at
            Upon  confiscation  at  the   sellers or companies.                                                     the Costa Linda Resort. Sharing the
            airport,  you  can  also  face   We want our future gener-   Looking at the rocks we saw big cir-       natural beauty of the island and the
            a  fine  that  they  have  to   ations and visitors to enjoy   cular round holes worn through from      hospitality of its people. Always be-
            pay  before  leaving.  This  is   the  beauty  of  our  beach-  the  action  of  currents  when  Aruba   ing  welcomed  back  with  Bon  Bini,
            surely  not  a  pleasant  ex-  es,  shells  and  corals  in  a   was  at  the  bottom  of  the  sea.  As   your home.”
            perience for the tourist. This   sustainable  way,  without   we  explored  more  rock  formations
            also leads to a negative re-  destroying or disrupting the   we saw Indian cave paintings from       Thank  you  for  sending  us  this  wonderful
            action  which  can  put  our   Aruban ecosystem. Help us     a time when the Arawalk Indians in-     message  sharing  what  Aruba  means  to
            tourism in a negative light.   protect what is ours!q                                                you with us and our readers!q
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