Page 2 - Min.Jus May 30th,2015
P. 2
Saturday 30 May 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort!
PALM BEACH - Recently Stephen and Mrs. Kath- honorees are loyal mem-
the Aruba Tourism Author- leen Narbonne from Brain- bers of the Divi Phoenix
ity had the great plea- tree, Massachusetts, Mr. Beach Resort and they
sure of honoring a group Thomas and Mrs. Mary love Aruba very much
of loyal and friendly visi- Ann Langone from Haw- because of the friendly
tors of Aruba at the Divi ley, Pennsylvania, Mr. Da- people, the weather, the
Phoenix Beach Resort as vid and Mrs. Carol Esdale beaches, the restaurants
Distinguished Visitors and from Albrightsville Penn- and the casinos. They say
Ambassadors of Goodwill. sylvania, Mr. Thomas and Aruba feels like a second
The symbolic honorary Mrs. Diane Santoro from home where the people
titles are presented in the Poinciana, Florida, and are like family to them,
name of the Minister of the ladies Mrs. Lorraine and that the Divi Phoenix
Tourism as a token of ap- Brennan from Braintree, is their ‘home away from
preciation to guests who Massachusetts, Mrs. Sheila home.’ The certificates
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 Wilson from Quincy, Mas- were presented by Mr.
and 20-to-34 consecutive sachusetts, and Mrs. Sh- Ernest Giel representing
years. eryl Williams from Stough- the Aruba Tourism Au-
The honorees were Mr. ton, Massachusetts. All the thority together with Mrs.
Avril Culley and Mr. Gerrit
Griffith GM representing
the Divi Phoenix Beach
Saturday 30 May 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort!
PALM BEACH - Recently Stephen and Mrs. Kath- honorees are loyal mem-
the Aruba Tourism Author- leen Narbonne from Brain- bers of the Divi Phoenix
ity had the great plea- tree, Massachusetts, Mr. Beach Resort and they
sure of honoring a group Thomas and Mrs. Mary love Aruba very much
of loyal and friendly visi- Ann Langone from Haw- because of the friendly
tors of Aruba at the Divi ley, Pennsylvania, Mr. Da- people, the weather, the
Phoenix Beach Resort as vid and Mrs. Carol Esdale beaches, the restaurants
Distinguished Visitors and from Albrightsville Penn- and the casinos. They say
Ambassadors of Goodwill. sylvania, Mr. Thomas and Aruba feels like a second
The symbolic honorary Mrs. Diane Santoro from home where the people
titles are presented in the Poinciana, Florida, and are like family to them,
name of the Minister of the ladies Mrs. Lorraine and that the Divi Phoenix
Tourism as a token of ap- Brennan from Braintree, is their ‘home away from
preciation to guests who Massachusetts, Mrs. Sheila home.’ The certificates
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 Wilson from Quincy, Mas- were presented by Mr.
and 20-to-34 consecutive sachusetts, and Mrs. Sh- Ernest Giel representing
years. eryl Williams from Stough- the Aruba Tourism Au-
The honorees were Mr. ton, Massachusetts. All the thority together with Mrs.
Avril Culley and Mr. Gerrit
Griffith GM representing
the Divi Phoenix Beach