Page 12 - ATA
P. 12
Wednesday 21 February 2018
Special Tourism Day for Young Professionals from the Dutch Caribbean Islands
Recently the biggest tour
operator in the Nether-
lands, TUI, organized a day
especially for young peo-
ple who study in the Neth-
erlands and come from the
Dutch Caribbean islands.
For those who consider
going back to their island
to find a job, TUI made it
possible -together with the
foundation WeConnect- to
meet their potential em-
About 40 students were
present during the event.
At the moment the supply
in students with a touristic
education is rare in the is-
lands. TUI, being a big tour
operator,shows special in-
terest in meeting the stu-
dents that do have interest
in working in the tourism in-
dustry on their island. “Their
Dutch education level
combined with their Carib-
bean roots form the ideal
mix to offer them a career
in the islands”, says Sebas- ucation Coördinator) are from different schools with Quiz, Pitch and Drink of WeConnect and TUI
tiaan de Vries, Area Man- the initiators of WeConnect potential employers. We- The afternoon started off CABS (Curaçao, Aruba, Bo-
ager TUI. Nienke Ingen- and saw this event as a Connect is dedicated to with a ‘Kahoot’ Quiz to test naire, Sint Maarten). After
hoven (HR manager CABS) golden opportunity to con- make this connection. the students’ knowledge, this the students were put
and Bianca Goumans (Ed- nect the tourism students followed by presentations to work with the task to pre-
pare a pitch. The winners
of the quiz were rewarded
with a small prize during a
closure cocktail.
Great Result
The afternoon turned out to
be a success and many stu-
dents left their CV in order
for Human Resources of TUI
CABS to approach them for
a nice job opening. TUI will
continue stimulating these
young professionals to re-
turn to their roost where
they can practice their tal-
ent and knowledge. q