Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
Thursday 17 OcTOber 2019
Republican lawmakers unmuzzled in rebuking Trump on Syria
By ALAN FRAM sues. been so strong, Corker
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Hurd called Trump's with- said, "It was such an irre-
"dark day." A "betrayal." drawal a "disastrous deci- sponsible, precipitous de-
The "biggest mistake of this sion" because the U.S. is cision where thousands of
presidency," and "really de- abandoning an ally and people are going to die. It's
lusional." ceding influence in the re- at a whole new level."
And that was President gion to adversaries like Rus- Democrats, of course,
Donald Trump's fellow Re- sia and Iran. He recalled his showed no hesitance in
publicans. pre-Congress experience using even stronger lan-
Trump's decision to pull as an undercover CIA guage against Trump.
American troops out of counter-terrorism officer. Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I.,
northern Syria — triggering "One of the things I learned labeled the withdrawal a
a deadly Turkish invasion when I was in the CIA was "dangerous and stupid de-
targeting the U.S.'s erstwhile to be nice with nice guys cision."
Syrian Kurdish allies — has and tough with tough guys, And Rep. Seth Moulton,
unmuzzled GOP lawmakers not the other way around," D-Mass., a former Marine
in a manner seldom seen he said pointedly. and Iraq War veteran, said
since Trump entered the Senate Majority Leader Trump "has never put his
White House. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., life on the line for his coun-
In a time when the threat has repeatedly called the try" like U.S. soldiers in Syria
of a caustic Trump tweet is move "a mistake" and ex- have done.
enough to stifle open inter- House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., left, stands pressed a determination "Perhaps if he had not
nal dissent, the extent and as Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, speaks with reporters after to do something to correct dodged the draft by lying
a meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House,
strong language Republi- Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019, in Washington. it, though the answer is un- about his feet, sending an-
cans are using to assail his Associated Press clear. other American in his place
policy is Syria has been strik- A former senator and to Vietnam," he'd know that
ing. No one was suggesting the Sen. Lindsey Graham, R- Senate Foreign Relations "nothing is more evil than
A statistical measurement GOP's schism with Trump S.C., who's been a staunch Committee chairman, betrayal," Moulton said.
of the party's disgruntle- over Syria would soften the Trump defender since he Bob Corker, R-Tenn., who That was a reference to a
ment was on eye-catch- party's opposition to tossing entered the White House had frequent clashes with deferment that allowed
ing display in in the House, him out of office. but a critic of his troop with- Trump and retired last year, Trump to not serve in the
which voted Wednesday "That's a completely differ- drawal, said Trump was has made few public state- Vietnam War due to bone
by an overwhelming 354- ent issue," said No. 2 House making "the biggest mis- ments since leaving Con- spurs. Critics have accused
60 to voice its opposition to GOP leader Steve Scalise take of this presidency." gress but weighed in on him of draft dodging be-
Trump's troop pullback. of Louisiana. While Trump had said the Wednesday. cause Trump hasn't been
Remarkably, Republicans No Republicans attacked Kurds would be fine be- Asked in an interview why able to recall which foot
voted 129-60 for the non- Trump personally, instead cause "they know how to the GOP pushback has had the problem.q
binding measure, deliver- carefully focusing their criti- fight," Graham told report-
ing a stinging repudiation cism on the policy. ers, "To suggest the Kurds
of Trump. House Minority Still, the unfettered way in are safer is really delusion-
Leader Kevin McCarthy, R- which Republicans openly al."
Calif., and the chamber's belittled his troop with- And Graham all but said
two other top GOP leaders drawal was noteworthy, Trump would be to blame
joined in lawmakers' lopsid- both for its sweep and for if there's a new terrorist at-
ed slap at Trump's decision. the freedom that GOP law- tack by Islamic State mili-
Making Republican defec- makers seemed to feel in tants. Many fear that group
tions all the more notewor- opposing him. will be revived as Turkey
thy: They came as the two Rep. Michael McCaul of batters the very Kurdish
parties are at each other's Texas, the top Republican fighters who've been help-
throats over the Democrat- on the House Foreign Af- ing the U.S. neutralize them.
ic impeachment inquiry of fairs Committee, called it a "It's going to be to the presi-
the president. "dark day" that would have dent's detriment if there's
While virtually all Republi- been "much darker" if the any attacks on our country,
cans have rallied behind two parties hadn't united in inspired attacks, not direct-
Trump in the impeach- voicing their opposition to ly attacks, then he'll own it,"
ment fight, this is a mo- the troop pullback. Graham said.
ment — barely a year from No. 3 House GOP leader Liz Also wading in was Rep.
the 2020 elections — when Cheney of Wyoming said Will Hurd, R-Texas, who's not
the White House and GOP Syrian Kurds are "facing seeking reelection and has
lawmakers can ill afford to what looks like a betrayal" clashed with Trump over
show divisions. by the U.S. immigration and other is-