Page 48 - KPA 6NOV,2015
P. 48

PAGINA 14                                                     DIARIO                         DIABIERNA 6 NOVEMBER 2015

Aparentemente, un heNanunddaenods taibiamy? igracion ta haci deal
             di huurmento cu Venezolanonan!

ORANJESTAD (AAN) –              Tin indicacion cu esaki ta    con gobierno por pone un       varios a keda ilegal. Awor y facilidad pa raspa carchi.
                                birando un negoshi rondo,     paro na e situacion aki? Ki    ta cu huurmento di camber Asina aki, na unda nos ta
Na Matutino DIARIO a            y cu nan ta pone un prijs     medidanan un gobierno por      of apartamento, transporte bay?
                                mas abao camber di hotel.     pone si hasta na Imigracion,
drenta un informacion, cu       Lo ta interesante pa haya sa  aparentemente, tin hende tin              RETAIL BAR ASSOCIATE
                                si den e prijs tin un tax cu  deal cu Venezolanonan pa
ta mustra interesante, den      esnan envolvi den e pakete    nan haya lugar pa keda, taxi,          Responsibility:
                                ta inclui, pa asina gobierno  y lugar pa raspa carchi?                This position is responsible for selling retail, beverage and
sentido cu, aparentemente,      haya tambe su “share”.        Esaki ta similar na e tempo             food items by using the highest standard of customer
                                Supuestamente, ora cu tal of  cu tabata tin un “boom” cu              service and by adhering to all standards and procedures of
tin un ke otro funcionario      cual hende of famia ta yega   tramitacion di permiso pa               the department and company at all times.
                                Aruba, ya e funcionario ta    estadia y trabao na Aruba,             We offer:
publico cu tambe ta haci        wardando nan sea ta den       cu incluso hopi stranhero               A stable work environment
                                oranan di trabao, of den      a resulta hasta estafa pa un            A competitive compensation and benefits package
negoshi cu e entrada di         oranan pafo di trabao.        par di hende sin escrupulo.             Great opportunities for growth and learning different
                                Nos fuente di informacion     Ta hopi placa e tramitacion             aspects of the tourism business.
Venezolanonan na nos Isla.      ta puntra su mes si asina     di permiso a genera pa                 If you are a dynamic and responsible person who
                                leu e negoshi aki ta          hopi saco e tempo ey, unda             has the following qualifications:
Segun e fuente                  yega, unda hasta cierto       esnan cu no a haya permiso              • Minimum E.P.B. HORECA or equivalent
                                sirbidornan publico ta        a perde tur nan placa, y                • Retail sales and Bartending experience
di informacion,                 involucra pa gana placa,      no tur a sali for di Aruba,             • Basic Quickbooks and computer knowledge; Quickbooks
                                                                                                      point of sales is a plus
aparentemente, entre otro,                                                                            • Speak and write English, Papiamento and Spanish; Dutch
                                                                                                      is a plus
tin un hende cu ta traha na                                                                           • Flexible to work holidays, weekends and shifts
                                                                                                      • Good team player
Imigracion, cu ta regla tur                                                                           • Strong Communication, customer relations and selling
cos for di Aruba manera                                                                               • Must have reliable transportation
                                                                                                      Please pass by to fill out an application form or apply
un pakete cu ta consisti di
                                                                                                         via mail, including C.V. plus picture no later than
apartamento, taxi, tienda                                                                                               November 13, 2015 at

unda nan por raspa carchi,                                                                     All offers are contingent upon passing a pre-employment substance abuse test.

cu ya caba ta na haltura cu

tal of cual persona of famia,

ta biniendo na nos Isla.

Ladron a horta
zapato y paña

   na “Angelo
Fashion World”.

di Oranjestad a acudi diaran-
zon mainta den Caya Betico
Croes y a atende gerente di
“Angelo Fashion World” debi
na kiebro cu tuma lugar.
Desconocinan a forza porta
di e di dos piso na e banda
Den e lugar ladronnan a piki
zapatonan y ademas cantidad
di paña y a baha bay cu e ar-
Keho ta entrega y recherche ta
busca esnan cu a comete acto
di destruccion y ladronicia.
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