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A32    sports
                        Diamars 31 mei 2022

                             Analysis: Might Djokovic vs. Nadal, Part 59, be their last?

                                                            First  of  all,  Nadal  turns  36  on  Friday;  Djokovic  Whether statistics, aesthetics or any other measures
                                                            turned 35 on May 22, the first day of the French  is applied, both are among the greatest there's ever
                                                            Open.                                           been. About that there can be no debate.
                                                            "I don't know what can happen in the near future  Nadal owns a men's-record 21 Grand Slam titles,
                                                            with my career," Nadal said.                    a number he reached with a tiebreaking triumph
                                                            His  body  has  been  a  big  issue  over  the  past  12  at the Australian Open in January. Djokovic, like
                                                            months. He missed the last half of last season, in-  Roger Federer, is one behind. Djokovic has all sorts
                                                            cluding Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, because  of other bona fides, including more weeks spent at
                                                            of chronic pain in his left foot that flared up again  No. 1 in the ATP rankings than anyone else, the
                                                            in  recent  weeks.  After  his  20-0  start  to  2022,  he  only man with at least two trophies from every ma-
                                                            missed three tournaments because of a rib injury.  jor tournament and the only one with at least two
                                                            "I can't complain much," Nadal said, noting that 2  trophies from every Masters event. He also leads
            By HOWARD FENDRICH                              1/2 weeks ago he had no idea whether he'd make it  both Federer and Nadal head-to-head.
            AP Tennis Writer                                this far.                                       Djokovic and Nadal have played each other more
            PARIS  (AP)  —  This  French  Open  is  the  first  "Being honest, every match that I play here, I don't  frequently than any other pair of men in the half-
            Grand Slam tournament in a year with both Novak  know if it's going to be my last match here in Ro-  century-plus of professional tennis. Djokovic leads
            Djokovic and Rafael Nadal in the field. And any-  land Garros. ... That's my situation now," he said  30-28 overall; Nadal leads 19-8 on clay, including
            one who enjoys men's tennis — or, indeed, sports  after edging 21-year-old Felix Auger-Aliassime in  7-2 at Roland Garros. Nadal is 109-3 at the French
            — should be thrilled that those two titans of the  five sets Sunday night. "That's why I am just trying  Open, with a record 13 championships, and two of
            game will face each other for a record 59th time.  to enjoy as much as possible."               those three losses came against Djokovic, including
            Is it a shame Tuesday night's match is "only" a quar-  Auger-Aliassime said Nadal did not appear to be  in the semifinals a year ago en route to the title.
            terfinal, instead of something with more at stake?  hampered  or  slowed  at  all  during  their  fourth-  "Playing him in Roland Garros is always a physical
            Perhaps. Will that dissuade anyone from watching  round thriller, which lasted nearly 4 1/2 hours, al-  battle," Djokovic said, "along with everything else."
            from  afar  or  dull  the  atmosphere  that'll  envelop  most twice as long as Djokovic's straight-set win  This one is such a big deal that it was scheduled
            Court Philippe Chatrier? Doubtful.              Sunday over 15th-seeded Diego Schwartzman.      for the night session, even though Nadal made it
            Could it decrease the intensity of each player's per-  Djokovic hasn't dropped a set through four match-  clear he prefers playing daytime matches on clay,
            formance? Not a chance.                         es.                                             and it's been made available for free to everyone
            "I'm ready for it," Djokovic said.              "He's Novak," Schwartzman said, "and if you are  in France via a streaming service under a special
            "I hope to be able to give myself a chance to play  not 100% ... obviously, the result is like this."  arrangement.
            at the highest level possible," Nadal said, "and then  As for Djokovic, his decision to not get vaccinated  Whoever wins will take on third-seeded Alexander
            let's see."                                     against COVID-19 prevented him from participat-  Zverev or sixth-seeded Carlos Alcaraz in the semi-
            So then the question that Nadal will have on his  ing at the Australian Open and, while he's been as-  finals.
            mind — and we know so because he said so — and  sured that won't be a problem at Wimbledon when  Alcaraz,  the  19-year-old  Spaniard  considered  the
            Djokovic might, too, is: How many more of these  it starts June 27, his status for the U.S. Open is  Next Big Thing in men's tennis, knows a signifi-
            showdowns are there going to be?                uncertain at the moment.                        cant match when he sees one coming.
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