Page 3 - Minister Mike De Meza
P. 3
Tuesday 22 September 2015
Reef Care an eyesore but is also a gerous to our wildlife.
danger to the lovely wild- A big thank you to all of
Continued from Page 14 life in our ocean and on the volunteers who joined
our beaches. Of particu- the Aruba Reef Care Foun-
Assigned to pick up rubbish lar concern are the plastic dation cleaning up the
on the beaches from the bags and plastic cups that beaches. For more infor-
area beside the MooM- turtles can mistake for jel- mation how too can get in-
ba Beach all the way to lyfish. Birds can confuse volved, contact the Aruba
Boca Catalina, Madame floating plastic litter for Reef Care Foundation at
Janette Restaurant volun- food which can be dan- 586-0820.q
teer, Jana Filapova and
Crystal Hassell of the Jolly seen along the coast early found doing their part by
Pirates crew will tell you Sunday morning picking picking up the debris found
how much fun and how re- up the trash that others left in the Eagle Beach areas.
warding it is to give back to behind. Volun-tourists were Plastic littered is not only
an island that has been so
good to them. On several
piers along Palm Beach,
divers collected pollu-
tion found in our ocean.
School groups, Water sport
groups, Nurses, families of
all ages, exercise groups
and other volunteers were