Page 25 - KPA DEC 23,2014
P. 25
Diamars December 23 2014 Pagina 7
Peaton cu molester di In memory of a BGSU Alumnus and my
cachonan riba caya dear friend Hildward L. Croes
Polis a bay diadomingo pa 8:41 na Sabana Blanco pa un I met Hildward he considered me
problema, unda cachonan a ataca un peaton. Bayendo pa his sister. I have a
e sitio, Polis a topa cu e denunciante den Pindastraat y el’a Croes in 1985 deep respect and
bisa cu tur dia e mester pasa dilanti e cas Sabana Blanco 15, appreciation for him.
pa e bay su trabao. El’a bisa dos cacho a sali for di cura di e or 1986 when I
cas y a atake. Segun su declaracion, el apone e doño caba He would be writing
na haltura, pero nada a wordo haci. Polisnan a bay na e cas was around my his proyects and
y ta papia cu e homber D. kende a bisa cu enberdad tin dos research papers
cacho cu ta bula cura y bay riba caminda. D. a bisa cu e ta senior year at for his school of
tene un di e cachonan cerca dje y ta hisando su cura pa e no music and would
bula pafor. El’a bisa cu e ta bay papia cu e bisiña pa tene su Bowling Green bring them to me,
herdershond den su cura. so I could type
State University these for him. I
Shakira a reclama cu D. was a Journalism
a maltrate in Ohio, USA. I Major and could
type blindly, but
Presencia di Polis a wordo pidi diadomingo pa 8:59, na e knew his brother sometimes I found
santana tras di Aruba Jrs. pa un pelea. Na e sitio, Polisnan a myself doing my homework and then typing
topa cu e conocido Shakira kende a bisa cu e conocido D. a Maikito who his stuff until midnight. But hey, that’s what
maltrat’e. Shakira a bisa cu e no kier tin nada mas di haci cu friends are for. At a certain point Hildward
D. pero ta parce cu e no kier comprende. Polsnan a papia cu also attended returned to Aruba for a period of time when
D. y el’a bisa cu ta Shakira ta bin molestia na su trabao. his uncle Gilberto (Betico) Croes passed,
and graduated and I did not hear from him after that. I
Ladronnan a kibra auto y bay cu tas graduated in August 1987 and I returned to
from BGSU and Aruba. I later heard he went back to BGSU
E muher N.E. a bay warda di Polis diadomingo pa 7:15 pa and graduated in 1988 obtaining his Masters
duna keho di ladronicia di un tas for di su auto di huur, un jeep meanwhile was Degree in Music. After we both were back
blanco Wrangler, V-4843. El’a bisa cu ladronnan a bay cu un in Aruba, we tried to stay in touch as often
tas preto marca Adidas. Den e tas tabata tin diferente articulo, already back in as possible but as he became more famous
entre otro su paspoort Hulandes. Polis a tuma e keho. this became sporadically. In 1989 he was
Aruba. By then, contracted by Wilfrido Vargas with whom
MADURO HEAVY he toured the world and earned a Grammy
we were not so nomination for his contribution as co-
EQUIPMENT N.V. producer on the album Animación. In the late
many students from Aruba any more, but only 1990's he joined Juan Luis Guerra & 440 as a
Santo pa Basha, Santo pa Pleister, keyboardist and programmer and performed
Crushed Sand, Piedra, Tera pa a few were finishing their degree including concerts throughout North, Central, South
America, as well as the Caribbean and parts
Mata, Graniet. Tambe nos ta me. Most of them had graduated already of Europe. He then went on to join Chichi
Rosa Tereno, Coba Pos y Peralta & Son Familia in 1997 and won a
at that time. I moved off campus and went Latin Grammy for best Merengue album in
Fundeshi. 2001 with ...De Vuelta Al Barrio. In 2006, he
to live with 2 other Aruban students Silvine earned a Latin Grammy nomination for best
ROOI BOSAL 49 Merengue album with Mas Que Suficiente on
TEL.: 585-1708 Cicilia and Joanne Krozendijk who became which he made musical arrangements and
FA X .:585-6299 played the accordion, piano, and keyboards.
my roommates. He won numerous awards and prizes in
his native Aruba and owned a production
Hildward came to Bowling Green to continue company and recording studio.
his graduate studies at Bowling Green State
University after he finished his Bachelors Later when he returned to Aruba, and
degree at Berklee College of Music in Boston. stopped his travels, he did some work for
SETAR, where I work and we re-connected
In the beginning we were his kind of and it was like yesterday, we still had a great
“tourguides”, as he was the new kid in town. friendship that lasts until today. I have many
Because of his calm and friendly character, great memories of Hildward and I am so
he became our friend. He would stop by on glad I got to know him as a student, before
his way to his home, at our apartment, chat he became famous. Dear Hildward, I was
a bit, do some homework, drink some tea deeply shocked by your sudden illness and
and proceed on his way. As time passed, he now your sudden departure. I will forever
became a very good friend and even shared cherish your friendship, your great sense of
the costs of food with us, as we cooked humor, your dedication, and your immense
ourselves every day. He felt a little at home faith in God. I am very grateful to have
and considered us like his sisters. Always known you and to have walked along with
with respect. you during our college years. May you rest
in peace “querido amigo”Your sister, Suzy A.
The weather was harsh and cold in the winter, Maduro
but he would enphasize to me the importance
of going to church on Sundays. I sometimes
didn’t feel much for attending Mass, just
because I was lazy. But he would call early
in the morning and tell me that he is stopping
by to fetch me and we would walk to church.
One day I was feeling a bit depressed he
insisted for me to go to church, that it would
help me. As we were sitting in church the
pastor started to give his sermon, and it was
as he was looking at me and talking to me. I
turned to Hildward and asked him: “Did you
tell the father about how I was feeling?” and
he said no. “God knows how you feel all the
time Suzy” , he said.
I admired him for his love for music, and
we used to discuss about how people get
inspired all the time, and that in some form,
will find a way to express it. Some in music,
some in poetry. I wrote poetry he wrote
music. Eventhough Hildward did not have
any sister in his family, only brothers, I believe
Peaton cu molester di In memory of a BGSU Alumnus and my
cachonan riba caya dear friend Hildward L. Croes
Polis a bay diadomingo pa 8:41 na Sabana Blanco pa un I met Hildward he considered me
problema, unda cachonan a ataca un peaton. Bayendo pa his sister. I have a
e sitio, Polis a topa cu e denunciante den Pindastraat y el’a Croes in 1985 deep respect and
bisa cu tur dia e mester pasa dilanti e cas Sabana Blanco 15, appreciation for him.
pa e bay su trabao. El’a bisa dos cacho a sali for di cura di e or 1986 when I
cas y a atake. Segun su declaracion, el apone e doño caba He would be writing
na haltura, pero nada a wordo haci. Polisnan a bay na e cas was around my his proyects and
y ta papia cu e homber D. kende a bisa cu enberdad tin dos research papers
cacho cu ta bula cura y bay riba caminda. D. a bisa cu e ta senior year at for his school of
tene un di e cachonan cerca dje y ta hisando su cura pa e no music and would
bula pafor. El’a bisa cu e ta bay papia cu e bisiña pa tene su Bowling Green bring them to me,
herdershond den su cura. so I could type
State University these for him. I
Shakira a reclama cu D. was a Journalism
a maltrate in Ohio, USA. I Major and could
type blindly, but
Presencia di Polis a wordo pidi diadomingo pa 8:59, na e knew his brother sometimes I found
santana tras di Aruba Jrs. pa un pelea. Na e sitio, Polisnan a myself doing my homework and then typing
topa cu e conocido Shakira kende a bisa cu e conocido D. a Maikito who his stuff until midnight. But hey, that’s what
maltrat’e. Shakira a bisa cu e no kier tin nada mas di haci cu friends are for. At a certain point Hildward
D. pero ta parce cu e no kier comprende. Polsnan a papia cu also attended returned to Aruba for a period of time when
D. y el’a bisa cu ta Shakira ta bin molestia na su trabao. his uncle Gilberto (Betico) Croes passed,
and graduated and I did not hear from him after that. I
Ladronnan a kibra auto y bay cu tas graduated in August 1987 and I returned to
from BGSU and Aruba. I later heard he went back to BGSU
E muher N.E. a bay warda di Polis diadomingo pa 7:15 pa and graduated in 1988 obtaining his Masters
duna keho di ladronicia di un tas for di su auto di huur, un jeep meanwhile was Degree in Music. After we both were back
blanco Wrangler, V-4843. El’a bisa cu ladronnan a bay cu un in Aruba, we tried to stay in touch as often
tas preto marca Adidas. Den e tas tabata tin diferente articulo, already back in as possible but as he became more famous
entre otro su paspoort Hulandes. Polis a tuma e keho. this became sporadically. In 1989 he was
Aruba. By then, contracted by Wilfrido Vargas with whom
MADURO HEAVY he toured the world and earned a Grammy
we were not so nomination for his contribution as co-
EQUIPMENT N.V. producer on the album Animación. In the late
many students from Aruba any more, but only 1990's he joined Juan Luis Guerra & 440 as a
Santo pa Basha, Santo pa Pleister, keyboardist and programmer and performed
Crushed Sand, Piedra, Tera pa a few were finishing their degree including concerts throughout North, Central, South
America, as well as the Caribbean and parts
Mata, Graniet. Tambe nos ta me. Most of them had graduated already of Europe. He then went on to join Chichi
Rosa Tereno, Coba Pos y Peralta & Son Familia in 1997 and won a
at that time. I moved off campus and went Latin Grammy for best Merengue album in
Fundeshi. 2001 with ...De Vuelta Al Barrio. In 2006, he
to live with 2 other Aruban students Silvine earned a Latin Grammy nomination for best
ROOI BOSAL 49 Merengue album with Mas Que Suficiente on
TEL.: 585-1708 Cicilia and Joanne Krozendijk who became which he made musical arrangements and
FA X .:585-6299 played the accordion, piano, and keyboards.
my roommates. He won numerous awards and prizes in
his native Aruba and owned a production
Hildward came to Bowling Green to continue company and recording studio.
his graduate studies at Bowling Green State
University after he finished his Bachelors Later when he returned to Aruba, and
degree at Berklee College of Music in Boston. stopped his travels, he did some work for
SETAR, where I work and we re-connected
In the beginning we were his kind of and it was like yesterday, we still had a great
“tourguides”, as he was the new kid in town. friendship that lasts until today. I have many
Because of his calm and friendly character, great memories of Hildward and I am so
he became our friend. He would stop by on glad I got to know him as a student, before
his way to his home, at our apartment, chat he became famous. Dear Hildward, I was
a bit, do some homework, drink some tea deeply shocked by your sudden illness and
and proceed on his way. As time passed, he now your sudden departure. I will forever
became a very good friend and even shared cherish your friendship, your great sense of
the costs of food with us, as we cooked humor, your dedication, and your immense
ourselves every day. He felt a little at home faith in God. I am very grateful to have
and considered us like his sisters. Always known you and to have walked along with
with respect. you during our college years. May you rest
in peace “querido amigo”Your sister, Suzy A.
The weather was harsh and cold in the winter, Maduro
but he would enphasize to me the importance
of going to church on Sundays. I sometimes
didn’t feel much for attending Mass, just
because I was lazy. But he would call early
in the morning and tell me that he is stopping
by to fetch me and we would walk to church.
One day I was feeling a bit depressed he
insisted for me to go to church, that it would
help me. As we were sitting in church the
pastor started to give his sermon, and it was
as he was looking at me and talking to me. I
turned to Hildward and asked him: “Did you
tell the father about how I was feeling?” and
he said no. “God knows how you feel all the
time Suzy” , he said.
I admired him for his love for music, and
we used to discuss about how people get
inspired all the time, and that in some form,
will find a way to express it. Some in music,
some in poetry. I wrote poetry he wrote
music. Eventhough Hildward did not have
any sister in his family, only brothers, I believe