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Wednesday 6 June 2018
Bucuti & Tara Beach
Resort named Energy
Globe Winner
EAGLE BEACH, Aruba – mented in businesses and
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort residential homes, alike.
has been named the Na- The resort’s submission, “The
tional Winner of the Energy Path to Carbon Neutrality,”
Globe Award Aruba. To- highlights the culmination
day’s announcement also of its efforts to provide a
celebrates World Environ- vacation that is as sustain-
ment Day. able as it is memorable. The
award-winning submission TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
The Energy Globe Award is is one of more than 2000 re- + 297 699 29 79
one of today’s most pres- ceived from 180 countries.
tigious environmental ac- It will now compete for an FOLLOW US ON: @arubaslife
colades. The platform’s International Energy Globe |
goal is to present success- Award and the ultimate
ful sustainable projects to a World Energy Globe Award As Bucuti & Tara continues other most recent news re- for the planet. Owner/CEO
broad audience. Many of set to be announced later its journey toward offsetting veals how a vacation to the and noted environmental-
the solutions can be imple- this year. environmental impacts, its eco-friendly resort is better ist Ewald Biemans was a
panelist at the United Na-
tion’s International Year of
Sustainable Tourism for De-
velopment Forum in Wash-
ington D.C. last September.
He shared that vacation-
ing at the Aruba resort left
a lower carbon footprint
than even staying home.
Sparking the crowd’s in-
terest, Bucuti & Tara re-
cently shared its research
prepared with its on-staff
sustainability manager.
The results revealed that
a week-long Bucuti & Tara
vacation including air trav-
el is better for the environ-
ment than an equivalent
drive vacation – actually
68% better.
Learn more about Bucuti &
Tara’s sustainability prac-
tices and how rewarding it
can be to live in harmony
with the environment.q