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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 23 april 2024
Papua New Guinea leader takes offense after Biden implies his
uncle was eaten by cannibals
By ROD McGUIRK Guinea, Australia’s nearest
Associated Press neighbor. Albanese and
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) Marape will commemo-
— Papua New Guinea’s rate strong defense ties
Prime Minister James Mar- between the two countries
ape accused Joe Biden of by walking part of a pivotal
disparaging the South Pa- battle ground known as
cific island nation by imply- the Kokoda Track later this
ing that an uncle of the U.S. week.
president had been eaten “I’m very confident that
by “cannibals” there during PNG has no stronger part-
World War II. ner than Australia and our
Biden’s comments offend- defense and security ties
ed a key strategic ally as have never been stronger,”
China moves to increase its Albanese told reporters be-
influence in the region. fore departing Australia.
The president spoke at a White House press secre-
Pennsylvania war memo- tary Karine Jean-Pierre said
rial last week about his Friday Biden was speaking
Army Air Corps aviator un- to the bravery of his uncle
cle Second Lt. Ambrose J. and the many U.S. service
Finnegan Jr., whom he said members that put their lives
was shot down over Papua Papua New Guinean Prime Minister James Marape, left, listens during a meeting with Pacific on the line.
New Guinea, which was a Islands Forum leaders during the U.S.-Pacific Islands Forum Summit in the East Room of the White “He takes this very seriously.
theater of heavy fighting. House, Monday, Sept. 25, 2023, in Washington. Associated Press His uncle, who served and
“They never found the protected this country, lost
body because there used on Sunday that Biden “ap- to be labeled as such,” needlessly dragged into a his life serving. And that
to be there were a lot of peared to imply his uncle Marape said in a state- conflict that was not their should matter,” she said.
cannibals for real in that was eaten by cannibals.” ment provided by his office doing,” Marape added. Biden’s account that
part of New Guinea,” Biden “President Biden’s remarks to The Associated Press on The rift comes as Austra- Finnegan’s plane was shot
said, referring to the coun- may have been a slip of Monday. “World War II was lian Prime Minister Anthony down was not supported
try’s main island. the tongue; however, my not the doing of my peo- Albanese began a visit on by military records. q
Marape said in a statement country does not deserve ple; however, they were Monday to Papua New
Europe is the fastest-warming continent, at nearly twice the
average global rate, report says
By JAMEY KEATEN year, up from 36% the year Hamdouch, the deputy
Associated Press before, the agencies say head of unit for Copernicus
NAPLES, Italy (AP) — Eu- in their European State of at the EU’s executive com-
rope is the fastest-warming the Climate report for last mission.
continent and its tempera- year. More energy in Eu- The report serves up a con-
tures are rising at roughly rope was generated from tinental complement for
twice the global average, renewables than from fos- WMO’s flagship state of
two top climate monitor- sil fuels for the second year the global climate report,
ing organizations reported running. The latest five-year which has been published
Monday, warning of the averages show that tem- annually for three decades,
consequences for human peratures in Europe are and this year came with a
health, glacier melt and now running 2.3 degrees “red alert” warning that the
economic activity. Celsius (4.1 Fahrenheit) world isn’t doing enough to
The U.N.’s World Meteoro- above pre-industrial levels, fight the consequences of A lake of meltwater has formed on the tongue of the Rhone
logical Organization and compared to 1.3 degrees global warming. Glacier near Goms, Switzerland, on June 13, 2023.
the European Union’s cli- Celsius higher globally, Copernicus has reported Associated Press
mate agency, Copernicus, the report says just shy of that March marked the
said in a joint report that the the targets under the 2015 10th straight month of re- have risen across the conti- extreme climate events in
continent has the opportu- Paris climate accord to cord monthly tempera- nent. It said more than 150 2023, which have been re-
nity to develop targeted limit global warming to 1.5 tures. The average sea- lives were lost directly last sponsible for large losses at
strategies to speed up the degrees Celsius. “Europe surface temperature for year in connection with continental level, estimat-
transition to renewable re- saw yet another year of the ocean across Europe storms, floods and wildfires. ed to be at least in the tens
sources like wind, solar and increasing temperatures hit its highest annual level The cost of weather- and of billions of euros,” said
hydroelectric power in re- and intensifying climate in 2023, the Europe report climate-related economic Copernicus director Carlo
sponse to the effects of cli- extremes including heat said. The European report losses in 2023 were estimat- Buontempo.
mate change. stress with record tempera- focuses this year on the im- ed at more than 13.4 billion Extreme weather fanned
The continent generated tures, wildfires, heat waves, pact of high temperatures euros (about $14.3 billion). heat waves, wildfires,
43% of its electricity from glacier ice loss and lack on human health, noting “Hundreds of thousands of droughts and flooding, the
renewable resources last of snowfall,” said Elisabeth that deaths related to heat people were affected by report said. q