Page 14 - MIN VOS 23 JULY 2015
P. 14
Department unites with
FADA during Alcohol
Awareness week
According to Maribel Tromp
EPIDEMIOLOGY Department along with FADA, surprising, since last year the adults scored very Alcohol causes personal problems, diseases like liver,
Ybisa and other organizations unite for the alcohol highly in another alcohol use survey. esophagus or stomach cancer or it can ruin your
awareness week. If we are to compare Aruba’s 70% alcohol consuming intestines and brain damage.
A recent survey held for young ones between the figures to other islands in the region Aruba is number
age of 12 and 19 has revelead that the use of alcohol one in alcohol consumption. “The goal is to work together with other government
amonst kids this age is very high, 70.2% confirmed departments to educate the entire community on the
that they do indeed consumer alcohol. Maribel Tromp explained how important it is for problems that alcohol consumption causes. Parents
parents to talk to their kids about alcohol consumption need to set an example for their children. More than
Something very alarming was that 10% of the kids and other important subjects. half of the kids surveyd mentioned that alcohol
confirmed that they have tried alcohol before turning Maribel said: “We don’t need to only focus on consumption is a problem at their house. This is
10. the medical consequences, but also on the social very worrying and the Department of Public Health
Maribel Tromp explained that more girls get drunk consequences also. It is alarming that 8.6% of kids say cannot work on this problem alone. We need to work
than boys. that they have problems at school, with their parents together to find a solution for this proble.” Maribel
The total figures are very worrying but are not or fight a lot because of alcohol consumption.” Tromp concluded.
6 LOCAL Joel Bartolomew
graduated in
computer sciences
THE HAGUE – Aruban student Joel Bartholomew recently graduated in
computer sciences from the Amsterdam Academy. That’s why he was invited
for a courtesy visit with Minister Plenipotentiary Alfonso Boekhoudt. Joel
was accompanied by Lourdes Bramble-Tromp his study mentor.
Joel Bartholomew started studying in February 2012 and achieved his
Propaedeutics in June the same year. Joel completed his course in 3 years
and a half instead of 4 years, which is the usual duration of the course.
Study mentor Lourdes Bramble-Tromp remarked that Joel is an exemplary
student that focused completely on his study which is his reason for going to
Holland. “Joel is a great example for all our students” Mrs. Bramble-Tromp
Minister Plenipotentiary congratulated Joel on his diploma.
“This is a huge achievement for you and for Aruba. We are always happy to
see our students achieve their goals. It is even nicer that you completed your
study with extremely high marks and in such a short time. I wish you all
kinds of success in the future.” The Minister said to Joel.
Joel Bartholomew is currently working on getting his Pre Master so he can
later go to the University of Amsterdam to get his Masters Degree in data
Thursday, July 23 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER