Page 61 - MIN VOS 23 JULY 2015
P. 61

  Mary Joan Foundation

TUESDAY morning a meeting was held with the Directors of           private funds willing to fund and support this
Mary Joan Foundation and Minister of Social, Youth and Labor          wonderful organization.” Minister Paul
Affairs Paul Croes.                                                         Croes expressed at the conclusion of the
“Mary Joan Foundation has existed for many years already and                     meeting.
is a very important foundation to our community. That’s why I                        Minister Croes appeals to the
will find new ways to continue supporting this foundation. They                          community to support Mary
support many people that have been diagnosed with breast                                     Joan Foundation because
cancer; they give them social support and teach them how to                                     of the important work
adjust themselves to their new circumstances. This is a very                                       that they do and the
important job.” Minister Paul Croes expressed.                                                       necessary support
                                                                                                       that they provide
MJF’s work is appreciated by the entire Aruban community and                                             to people going
surely appreciated by the Aruban Government. The directors                                                 through difficult
were happy to meet with Minister Croes and see this meeting                                                 circumstances
as a positive step towards solving the financial situation of the                                            due to breast
foundation.                                                                                                   cancer.
When a person is diagnosed with cancer or a family member is
diagnosed with cancer supporting them is not an easy task but it
is extremely important and very necessary.

During the meeting they discussed the financial situation
of the foundation, which was doing well the last
few years because of the funding received
from the private sector.
However the foundation isn’t doing
so well right now and that’s why
Minister Paul Croes wants to
dedicate more attention to this
“We have agreed to find
ways to support this
foundation financially
and structurally.
Besides all of this
I will search for

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