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                    Friday 17 January 2020
            Rave reviews for the new Aruba Food Tour visiting 5 Restaurants

                                                                                    ORANJESTAD — It is one of Aruba's best kept 'value for your dollar'. Ex-
                                                                                    peritours crafted a unique food experience that has foodies going crazy.
                                                                                    With only 5 star reviews on TripAdvisor, this is a must! Strolling through
                                                                                    Aruba's capital Oranjestad foodies visit 5 restaurants to sip and savor 5
                                                                                    different cuisines and 5 drinks.

                                                                                    Naturally Aruba's cuisines is also represented at one of the stops. The food
                                                                                    tour is currently only available on Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm and
                                                                                    runs a little over 2.5 hours. The official name is 'Fusion of the World Food
                                                                                    Tour' and it takes you on a culinary adventure to discover Aruba’s  melt-
                                                                                    ing pot. On this walking & tasting tour in the soothing evening hours, a
                                                                                    local guide will introduce you to Aruba’s multi-cultural cuisine and serve
                                                                                    you the local scoop. The tour takes your through the colorful streets of
                                                                                    Oranjestad, Aruba’s capital, to five different local eateries where you
                                                                                    will sample Jamaican, Cuban, Dutch, Italian and typical Aruban food.
                                                                                    (Restaurants & Cuisines are subject to change).

                                                                                    For bookings:, telephone +297 699 0995 or
                                                                                    your favorite concierge.q

               AHATA and HCP Media:
               Unveil Inaugural Edition of New

               Destination Guide: Aruba Magazine

               ORANJESTAD — The Aruba  Tisa  LaSorte,  President  &  ing to get the most out of
               Hotel  &  Tourism  Associa-  CEO of the Aruba Hotel &  their stay.
               tion  (AHATA),  in  partner-  Tourism  Association.  “With
               ship  with  HCP  Media  —  a  HCP’s trusted expertise, we  “Creating  this  beautiful
               custom  publishing  and  created  a  beautiful  pub-    magazine on behalf of the
               media  company  —  an-      lication that highlights the  Aruba Hotel & Tourism As-
               nounces  the  launch  of  its  history, sights, activities, art  sociation  is  an  honor  for
               new  official  publication,  and cuisine that define this  HCP,”  says  Marisa  Beazel,
               Aruba  Magazine,  the  or-  One Happy Island.”          President  &  Publisher  of
               ganization’s  annual  desti-                            HCP  Media.  “It  is  a  won-
               nation guide to be distrib-  Featuring   fresh   design  derful opportunity to bring
               uted to hotel guests.       and  engaging  content,  Aruba’s  exciting  offerings
                                           every element of the con-   to life within the pages of
               “We  are  delighted  to  tent serves to highlight the  Aruba Magazine.”
               provide visitors with an in-  unique  personality,  history
               depth  look  at  the  wide  and adventures Aruba has  The first edition of the an-
               range  of  leisure  activities  to offer visitors. From cover  nual destination guide will
               and  experiences,  both  to cover, AHATA, its mem-      be  available  throughout
               cultural  and  historic  that  bers and its supporting ad-  the  island  and  online  in
               await  beyond  the  com-    vertisers  are  featured  as  January 2020. To view the
               forts  of  your  guest  room  key  businesses  and  valu-  digital  edition  visit  ahata.
               and  hotel  property”  says  able assets to visitors look-  com. q
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