Page 23 - KPA MAY 28
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WORLD NEWSThursday 28 May 2015

Greece says deal with bailout creditors is close                                                                                                             Dutch police hold
                                                                                                                                                             motorcycle gang
NICHOLAS PAPHITIS              Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, right, is welcomed by Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis,                             members in raids 
Associated Press               during his visit at the Finance Ministry in Athens Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Tsipras said
ATHENS, Greece (AP) —          Wednesday that his country is close to reaching a deal with bailout creditors.                                               MIKE CORDER
Greece’s prime minister                                                                                                                                     Associated Press
said Wednesday that his                                                                                                 (Costas Baltas/InTime News via AP)  THE HAGUE, Netherlands
country is close to reaching                                                                                                                                (AP) — Dutch police de-
a deal with bailout credi-     Bank — “that have often        a debt repayment as soon     lier, a Greek government                                         tained 20 people Wednes-
tors, prompting European       conflicting opinions.”         as next week.                official said the putative                                       day, 14 of them members
stock markets to jump on       Greek and European             The main Athens stock in-    deal would include debt-                                         of the Bandidos motor-
hopes of a breakthrough in     stocks rallied earlier         dex rallied to close up 3.6  restructuring, sales tax re-                                     cycle gang, and seized
the slow-moving, often ac-     Wednesday when govern-         percent, with most of the    forms, balanced budgets                                          weapons including five
rimonious talks.               ment officials said nego-      gains registered just be-    and a cut in early retire-                                       rocket-propelled grenade
Alexis Tsipras spoke shortly   tiators will start drafting a  fore closing. Other Euro-    ments. The official, who                                         launchers and six automat-
before Greek negotiators       staff-level agreement with     pean markets also posted     spoke on customary condi-                                        ic handguns.
were due to meet in Brus-      bailout creditors in Brussels  gains, with Germany’s up     tion of anonymity, insisted                                      The discoveries came in a
sels with representatives      to unlock aid that would       1.3 percent and France’s     it would not involve further                                     coordinated series of raids
of the bailout creditors       allow the country to make      bouncing 2.1 percent. Ear-   pension or salary cuts.q                                         involving riot police, spe-
— whose cash has kept                                                                                                                                       cialist arrest squads and a
Greece from bankruptcy                                                                                                                                      police helicopter that tar-
for the past five years.                                                                                                                                    geted 30 locations in the
“We have taken very many                                                                                                                                    southern Netherlands and
steps. We are in the home                                                                                                                                   also spread into neighbor-
stretch, close to the final                                                                                                                                 ing Belgium and Germany.
agreement,” Tsipras told                                                                                                                                    Maastricht Mayor Onno
reporters, after a meeting                                                                                                                                  Hoes said police “took
at the finance ministry in                                                                                                                                  tough action that was
Athens.                                                                                                                                                     absolutely necessary to
“I believe that very soon                                                                                                                                   restore public order” in
we will be able to present                                                                                                                                  a region that has been
new information.”                                                                                                                                           plagued in recent months
But he warned stumbling                                                                                                                                     by violence blamed on ri-
blocks remain, as Greece                                                                                                                                    val motorcycle gangs.
is dealing with three differ-                                                                                                                               Police and prosecutors
ent creditor institutions —                                                                                                                                 said that members of mo-
the International Monetary                                                                                                                                  torcycle gangs are “heav-
Fund, European Commis-                                                                                                                                      ily involved in criminal ...
sion and European Central                                                                                                                                   activity in the areas of
                                                                                                                                                            weapons, drugs and intimi-
G-7 leaders meet to discuss how to help growth                                                                                                              dation.”
                                                                                                                                                            The 19 men and one wom-
DAVID McHUGH                   find a solution to Greece’s    Officials from host coun-    first formal working sessions                                    an detained Wednesday
Associated Press               financial problems and will    try Germany, which has       were scheduled for Thurs-                                        are suspected of crimes
DRESDEN, Germany (AP)          seek ways to cut off financ-   the rotating leadership of   day. The United States,                                          including drug trafficking,
— Top finance officials        ing for extremist organiza-    the G-7, said the meeting    represented by Treasury                                          extortion and money laun-
from the Group of Seven        tions such as the Islamic      over three days through      Secretary Jacob Lew, has                                         dering, prosecutor Roger
wealthy democracies are        State group.                   Friday was envisioned as     pressed for countries run-                                       Bos said at a news confer-
gathering in Germany           Ahead of the meeting,          a relaxed discussion forum   ning trade and budget sur-                                       ence.
this week to discuss ways      activists urging more help     to set up decisions and      pluses to do more to stimu-                                      As well as the weapons and
to strengthen the global       for poor countries floated     positions to be taken at a   late economic demand.                                            large amounts of ammuni-
economy.                       large balloons bearing the     June 7-8 summit of heads     Germany, which is running                                        tion, police uncovered a
U.S. officials are pressing    faces of government lead-      of state and government      a large trade surplus and                                        drug laboratory, chemicals
countries such as Germany      ers next to Dresden’s histor-  at the Schloss Elmau resort  has balanced its budget,                                         used to make synthetic
that have strong finances      ic Frauenkirche, or Church     outside Munich.              has firmly resisted calls to                                     drugs, counterfeit money,
to invest more to stimulate    of Our Lady, urging the        The finance officials were   relax its budget discipline,                                     stolen cars and a cannabis
their economies. They’re       meeting to produce more        to meet over dinner          saying avoiding new debt                                         plantation, Limburg police
urging European leaders to     than “hot air.”                Wednesday evening. The       is the prudent course.q                                          chief Gery Veldhuis said.q
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