Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210510
P. 27
u.s. news Dialuna 10 Mei 2021
Tearful reunions mark second Mother's Day under pandemic
(AP) – Last Mother's Day, ic's early months. In contrast, dents with dementia at Add-
they celebrated with ba- when her vaccinated adult ington Place lately have been
con and eggs over Face- grandchildren gathered at allowed to see visitors in per-
Time. This time, Jean Co- her Panama City, Florida, son. But the big change Sun-
dianni of Los Angeles flew home to celebrate this year, day was their ability to leave
to New Jersey to surprise they hugged and laughed and for a special meal with family
her 74-year-old mother, teased each other. members and return without
now that both have been being quarantined. Moms
vaccinated against the "The whole world felt bet- were also receiving roses
disease that has stolen un- ter," Grimes said. from staff.
countable hugs and kisses
around the world. Historian Andy Verhoff "Residents can feel the ener-
didn't see his mother for gy now that families are com-
"You forget how your mom Thanksgiving, Christmas or ing in," said Kelley Fulker-
smells, how she looks. It's New Year's. But for Moth- son, business office manager
like, she never looks as beau- er's Day, he drove from his at Addington in Northville.
tiful as the last time you saw home in Columbus, Ohio, "There is excitement among that wanted to take people Because Isolation Kills Too.
her," Codianni said. "We un- to spend a day in rural Put- staff — and tears and excite- home to celebrate. Visits in
derstand how privileged we nam County, Ohio with her, ment among families waiting private rooms required masks Still, the virus limited the
are, how lucky we are. Hun- stopping at the first historical to see loved ones." and gowns. holiday this year for Win-
dreds of thousands of people marker they'd worked on to- slow Swan, who served as his
don't get to celebrate Moth- gether. Both mother and son St. Joseph of Harahan — Mary Daniel, who last year 83-year-old mother's primary
er's Day, or are celebrating it were vaccinated, giving them an assisted living facility in took a job as a dishwasher so caretaker in Ellijay, Georgia,
under a veil of grief." the confidence to take their Harahan, Louisiana — held she could see her husband until last year, when health
masks off — which made it a parking lot parade Friday at a long-term care facility troubles forced him to move
Joyous reunions among vac- feel like a normal, pre-pan- with dozens of cars honking in Jacksonville, Florida, said her into a nursing home in
cinated parents and children demic day, Verhoff said. and family members yelling holidays are important to town during the middle of
across the country marked well wishes for Mother's Day. maintain traditions with fam- the pandemic.
this year's Mother's Day, the "We never let the mask get in ily. She said spouses and oth-
second one celebrated during the way of things," Verhoff Residents in masks sat be- ers should be recognized as New COVID-19 cases in the
the coronavirus pandemic. said. "It was just nice to not hind caution tape and waved essential caregivers who offer past month has led to the fa-
Some families separated by have my glasses fog up." to loved ones whom they had emotional support and be al- cility to tighten its visitation
worries of transmitting the waited to see for more than lowed inside. restrictions, and Swan likely
virus saw each other for the Some long-term care facili- a year in some cases. Work- won't see his mother for this
first time in more than a year, ties across the country pre- ers passed out balloons and "We are seeing progress with year's holiday, though he has
emboldened by their vaccina- pared for the special day by flowers. people being allowed to see considered an impromptu
tions, as many others grieved facilitating in-person visits, loved ones and visit or take window visit.
for mothers lost to the virus. especially as some states have Cathedral Village, a nursing them home for holidays, but
relaxed visitation rules in re- home and rehabilitation cen- we are still seeing individual "It's sad," he said. "I know the
For Pam Grimes, Mother's cent months given rising vac- ter in Philadelphia, was spac- facilities who refuse to fol- room that's she's in and there
Day last year remains a fuzzy cination rates and dropping ing out weekend visits for low the federal guidance on is a possibility that I can find
yet "scary and depressing" case numbers. Mother's Day, said supervisor allowing visits," said Daniel, her and see her through the
memory, blurred together Hannah Han. Social workers who started a group called window."
with the rest of the pandem- In suburban Detroit, resi- were helping some families Caregivers for Compromise-
House GOP leader says he backs ousting Cheney from No. 3 job
(AP) — Top House Republican democratic Trump cult of personal- he had "lost confidence" in Cheney
Kevin McCarthy on Sunday pub- Asked in an interview on Fox News ity," and warned her fellow Repub- and "had it with her" over her con-
licly endorsed Rep. Elise Stefanik Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures" licans against embracing or ignoring tinuing remarks about Trump, ac-
for the post of No. 3 leader, ce- whether he supported Stefanik, R- his statements "for fundraising and cording to a leaked recording of his
menting party support of the N.Y., for the job of Republican Con- political purposes." exchange on "Fox and Friends."
Donald Trump loyalist over Rep. ference chair, McCarthy responded:
Liz Cheney, an outspoken critic "Yes, I do." She also said McCarthy had "changed Cheney actually has a more conserva-
of the former president for pro- his story" after initially saying Trump tive voting record in the House than
moting discredited claims that "We want to be united in moving "bears responsibility" for the Jan. 6 Stefanik, a onetime Trump critic who
the 2020 election was stolen. forward, and I think that is what will attack on the Capitol. McCarthy ini- evolved into an ardent ally. She previ-
take place," he said in response to a tially criticized Trump's actions, and ously opposed Trump's tax cuts.
House Republicans could vote as ear- question about whether he had the in a private call during the insurrec-
ly as Wednesday to remove Cheney, votes to oust Cheney, R-Wyo. tion, had urged the then-president to "You have this real battle right now
the highest-ranking woman in the call off the rioters. The GOP leader in the party, this idea of let's just put
Republican leadership and daugh- McCarthy said the leadership post now says he does not believe Trump our differences aside and be unified,"
ter of former Vice President Dick must focus on a message "day in and provoked the riot. said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.,
Cheney, and replace her with Ste- day out" on what he said were the who also voted to impeach Trump.
fanik, whose ascension has received problems of the Biden administra- McCarthy on Sunday denied that Re- "They're going to get rid of Liz
Trump's backing. tion. publicans' effort to remove Cheney Cheney because they'd much rather
was based on her views of Trump or pretend that the conspiracy is either
Cheney has taken on Republicans, being one of 10 House Republicans real or not confront it than to actually
including McCarthy, R-Calif., say- to vote to impeach Trump over the confront it and maybe have to take
ing those who indulge Trump's false Jan. 6 riot. He said she was distract- the temporary licks to save this party
claims of a stolen presidential elec- ing from Republicans' bid to win and in the long term this country," he
tion are "spreading THE BIG LIE, back the House in 2022 and success- said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
turning their back on the rule of law, fully oppose President Joe Biden's
and poisoning our democratic sys- agenda, goals that McCarthy believes The second-ranking House Republi-
tem." In an opinion essay Wednes- will need Trump's support. can leader, Rep. Steve Scalise of Loui-
day in The Washington Post, she siana, already has announced his sup-
denounced the "dangerous and anti- McCarthy complained last week that port for Stefanik.