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P. 11

a8    local
                     Tuesday 5 March 2024

            Happiness starts with a delectable breakfast at Paseo Herencia

                                                  If  you’re  craving  something
                                                  sweet, you can opt for a waffle,
                                                  as  they  come  in  delicious  and
                                                  surprising flavors like banana con
                                                  dulce de leche and s’mores!

              ORANJESTAD  –  Want  to  make       Che Bar recently changed their      is  owned  by  an  Aruban,  and     and  a  scoop  of  ice  cream  to
              your morning a little brighter and   concept  and  now  has  indoor     each dish was originally created    sweeten your day.
              enjoyable?  Start  your  day  with   tables  with  air  conditioning,   by the owners inspired on gour-
              a  luscious  cup  of  coffee  and   and an outdoor bar for al fresco    met flavors, and you won’t find     They  also  offer  waffles,  yoghurt
              unique and local flavors at Pas-    drinks.  They  are  also  introduc-  any  of  their  recipes  anywhere   bowls,  eggs  and  more!  And
              eo Herencia!                        ing  a  tapas  concept  soon,  to   else.                               don’t  miss  their  succulent  and
                                                  delight your taste buds with dif-                                       fresh alcohol-infused cakes.
                         Che Bar                  ferent  and  fascinating  flavors.   Drunk’s  Denial  offers  breakfast
              Opening at 7:30am, Che Bar of-      And if you’re looking for a great   starting  at  8am,  so  you  can    Pietersz also explained that sus-
              fers a variety of coffee including   deal, Che Bar has a Happy Hour     stop  by  for  Dutch  pancakes  or   tainability  is  important  to  them,
              Lavazza  and  Nespresso,  juice,    from  5pm  to  11pm  which  in-     crêpes. Tessa Pietersz, owner of    and  Drunk’s  Denial  is  ecologi-
              and  delicious  breakfast  items    cludes  cocktails,  shots,  Aruban   Drunk’s  Denial,  explained  that   cally conscious, and try to mini-
              like bagels, eggs and sandwich-     beer  and  for  those  looking  for   the difference between a crêpe    mize  food  waste  by  providing
              es.  However,  they  are  famous    something special, Argentinean      and a Dutch pancake is that the     sensible, yet indulgent portions.
              for  their  delicious  and  authen-  wines!                             crêpes  are  thinner  and  folded,
              tic  empanadas!  The  dough  is                                         while  the  Dutch  pancake  uses    Paseo Herencia offers free park-
              brought all the way from Argen-             Drunk’s Denial              the same amount of batter but       ing  in  the  morning  until  noon,
              tina, so you are getting the char-  Drunk’s Denial is a quaint gour-    makes  a  thicker  pancake.  For    and is located close to the hotel
              acteristic  flavor  of  a  traditional   met café, with a twist. Here you   both of these you can choose to   areas,  making  it  easily  acces-
              empanada. These savory, crispy      can  have  exquisite  gourmet       have  your  toppings  be  infused   sible and a walk away from the
              pastries  come  with  different  fill-  food infused with a touch of al-  with  alcohol  –  you  can  choose   nearest beach!
              ings  like  chicken,  egg,  bacon   cohol!  We  tasted  the  espresso   between fresh or drunken fruits.    Start  your  day  with  a  luxurious
              and cheese, or beef.                with amaretto, a rich combina-      For  example,  you  can  have  a    experience  by  having  a  de-
              We  can  guarantee  they  will      tion  of  flavors  with  subtle  hints   delicious  rum  raisin  crêpe  with   lectable  breakfast  at  Paseo
              leave you wanting more.             that delight the senses. This café   the  raisins  infused  with  the  rum,   Herencia.q
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