Page 8 - ATA 19 JUNE 2017
P. 8

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 19 June 2017

            Minister Bermudez of Aruba Helps Esha Celebrate the

            Release of Her Second Album – Dangerous

            ORANJESTAD     -   Aruba’s   ben “Scorpio” Garcia.
            own       singer-songwriter,   Mr.  Ruben  “Scorpio”  Gar-
            Esha  Alwani,  celebrated    cia served as Esha’s Master
            the  release  of  her  second   of Ceremonies. Mr. Garcia,
            album,    Dangerous,    on   a close friend of the Alwani
            Tuesday  evening  at  the    family,  is  no  stranger  to
            Alhambra  Ballroom  to  a    music and the arts, having
            standing-room only crowd.    worked for over 40 years as
            Esha,  a  native-born  Aru-  a  disc  jockey,  music  pro-
            ban,  began  writing  songs   moter,  and  radio  produc-
            at  six  years  of  age  and  is   er.    “This  event  exceeded
            taking the music scene by    all  my  expectations,”  said
            storm following the success   Garcia.    “The  audience
            of her first album, Beautiful,   was  excellent,  and  I  am
            and accompanying music       very proud that there is so
            video,  Yesterday.    Now,   much support for Esha.  We
            with only days since the re-  are fortunate to have such
            lease of her second album,   a  wonderful  young  talent.
            she is already receiving sig-  She  is  making  Aruban’s
            nificant airplay for her new   proud.”  Minister Bermudez
            music.                       gave a short speech at the

                                                                                                   Bermudez  with  a  token  of  July  (
                                                                                                   appreciation  for  his  sup-  and will also be performing
                                                                                                   port, Esha went on to say,  at the Caribbean Sea Jazz
                                                                                                   “I’m so excited about how  Festival  in  September  (ca-
                                                                                                   this new album turned out.
                                                                                                   I  hope  that  every  word  of
                                                                                                   every song touches the lis-  You can also find Esha at:
                                                                                                   tener and makes them feel  Video –
                                                                                                   something.”                  Facebook    –   facebook.
                                                                                                   Esha will be performing on  com/eshamusic
                                                                                                   the main stage at the Aru-   Website –
                                                                                                   ba Summer Music Festival in  q

            Esha  second  album,  Dan-   beginning of the event de-   Minister  Bermudez  joins
            gerous,  was  officially  re-  scribing  to  the  attendees   Esha  for  the  unveiling  of
            leased  on  June  7,  2017.   the importance of support-  her  new  album  -  Danger-
            Among the many notable       ing  the  younger  genera-   ous.  After  the  event  Minis-
            attendees  of  this  event   tion on the island.          ter  Bermudez  said,  “One
            was  Aruba’s  Minister  of  Fi-  Emphasizing  the  impor-  of  our  best  characteristics
            nance  and  Government       tance  of  recognizing  na-  as Aruban’s is that we give
            Organization,  Minister  An-  tive-born  talents  like  Esha,   our  youngsters  the  best
            gel Roald Bermudez.          the  Minister  further  ex-  support we can.
            Minister Bermudez, a strong   plained that music and the   They  help  bring  goodwill
            supporter of music and the   arts  will  increasingly  pro-  to our island.  I’m sure that
            arts, was introduced to the   vide more opportunities for   Esha  will  make  it  and  will
            crowd  by  local  celebrity   Aruba,  both  domestically   make us proud.”
            and  radio  personality  Ru-  as well as internationally.   After  presenting  Minister
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