Page 19 - ATA
P. 19
LOCAL Wednesday 16 august 2017
Professional bartender shakes up RIU staff
PALM BEACH - Professional bar- and to offer a drink that meets
tender and mixologist Erick Bus- the expectations is what makes a
tamente from Romar Trading & good bartender.
Diageo, recently shared his tech- Bustamente is an expert in cock-
niques with the bartenders of the tails and other drinks for 12 years
Riu Palace Antillas. and he is on top of the newest de-
velopments in the world of mixed
During the interesting workshop drinks and spirits.
the importance of individual pam- For the bartenders of the RIU this
pering of each client was empha- was definitely a shaking good day!
sized. To know your client’s taste Cheers to that.q