Page 10 - UTILITIES 19 AUG 2015
P. 10

                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 19 August 2015

US Financial Front:

  Single-family houses fuel gains in US homebuilding in July 

                                                                                                decreased 16.3 percent in      permits still lags the surging
                                                                                                July to an annual rate of      The National Association of
                                                                                                                               Home Builders/Wells Fargo
                                                                                                1.12 million, after achieving  builder sentiment index
                                                                                                                               released Monday reached
                                                                                                an eight-year high in June.    61 this month, up from 60 in
                                                                                                                               July. Any reading above 50
                                                                                                The decrease likely reflects   signals expansion.
                                                                                                                               Still, only 5.4 months’ supply
                                                                                                some pullback after months     of new homes is available,
                                                                                                                               compared to six months in
                                                                                                of gains and was caused        a healthy market.
                                                                                                                               In the rental sector, prices
                                                                                                primarily by a sharp plunge    are increasing at double
                                                                                                                               the rate of hourly wage
                                                                                                in permits to construct        growth largely because of
                                                                                                                               fewer vacant apartments
                                                                                                apartment  complexes           available. Home rental
                                                                                                                               prices are up 4.3 percent in
                                                                                                after a tax break expired in   the past year, according to
                                                                                                                               the real estate firm Zillow.
                                                                                                New York.                      Average hourly earnings
                                                                                                                               have improved a mere 2.1
                                                                                                Homebuyers and renters         percent.q

                                                                                                have crowded into the

                                                                                                housing market this year,

                                                                                                pushing up prices to levels

                                                                                                that have worsened

                                                                                                affordability and placed

                                                                                                a potential cap on sales


                                                                                                Builders have relieved some

                                                                                                of this financial pressure by

                                                                                                ramping up construction,

Construction workers continue their work in Scottsdale, Ariz. The Commerce Department released  yet the increases in
housing starts for July on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015.
                                                                                                housing starts and building

                              (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

JOSH BOAK                     economy is really hitting
AP Economics Writer           stride when we see these
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S.        starts in the range of 1.5
builders started work on      million.” Total housing starts
single-family houses last     have risen 11.3 percent
month at the fastest pace     year-to-date. The market
since the Great Recession     is attracting more buyers
began in late 2007.           and renters, as starts for
Housing starts in July rose   apartment buildings have
0.2 percent to a seasonally   climbed 12.2 percent so
adjusted annual rate of       far this year despite last
1.21 million homes, the       month’s drop.The improved
Commerce Department           housing market has
said Tuesday. Construction    already benefited sales at
of single-family houses       supply stores such as Home
accounted for all of the      Depot. The world’s largest
gains, shooting up 12.8       home improvement retailer
percent last month to         reported Tuesday that sales
the highest rate since        at U.S. stores open at least
December 2007.                one year had climbed 5.7
The increase pointed to a     percent during the second
housing market that has       quarter, pushing its stock to
strengthened for much         an all-time high of $123 in
of the year, reflecting       morning trading.
an increased sense of         But Tuesday’s report also
financial security for many   showed the potential limits
Americans amid steady job     of further gains from new
growth, modest layoffs and    construction as the number
relatively low mortgage       of building permits fell, a
rates. Continued gains in     possible sign that demand
housing would help extend     will need to continue
the current economic          improving to further the
expansion.                    pace of homebuilding.
“More housing starts means    “It is in all likelihood going
more construction jobs as     to take another leg up in
well as confidence from       new single-family home
real estate developers        sales to sustain the pace
that people will be           of single family starts that
buying,” said Tara Sinclair,  was recorded in July,”
a George Washington           said Joshua Shapiro, chief
University professor and      U.S. economist at the
chief economist for job site  consultancy MFR.
Indeed. “We’ll know the       Approved building permits
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