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                Saturday 31 OctOber 2020
            On virus, Trump and health advisers go their separate ways

            Continued from Front                                                                                                es because it tests so many
                                                                                                                                people. That’s an assertion
            “As the president has said,                                                                                         often heard from Trump.
            the  cure  cannot  be  worse                                                                                        “We  do  believe,  and  the
            than  the  disease  and  this                                                                                       data show, cases are going
            country  should  be  open                                                                                           up — it’s not just a function
            armed  with  best  practic-                                                                                         of testing,” he said on NBC.
            es,  such  as  social  distanc-                                                                                     Rising numbers of hospitali-
            ing,  good  hygiene,  and                                                                                           zations and deaths confirm
            face  coverings,  to  limit                                                                                         that.
            the  spread  of  COVID-19,”                                                                                         Trump’s  clashes  with  sci-
            spokesman  Judd  Deere                                                                                              ence  and  the  scientists
            said in a statement.                                                                                                around  him  have  been  a
            The  health  officials  do  not                                                                                     running  story  throughout
            invoke Trump in their warn-                                                                                         the  pandemic.  He’s  often
            ings,  and  they  sidestep                                                                                          lashed  out  at  Dr.  Anthony
            questions  that  might  lead                                                                                        Fauci,  the  government’s
            them  into  anything  that                                                                                          top infectious disease spe-
            could be perceived as a di-                                                                                         cialist.  He’s  called  CDC
            rect criticism. But their mes-                                                                                      Director  Dr.  Robert  Red-
            sage  reflects  a  different                                                                                        field “confused” about the
            view of reality than what’s                                                                                         timeline  for  the  availability
            coming from the president                                                                                           of vaccines.
            and senior White House of-   In  this  Oct.  25,  2020,  photo,  White  House  chief  of  staff  Mark  Meadows  responds  to  reporters   But the split is only growing
            ficials.                     questions outside the West Wing on the North Lawn of the White House in Washington.    wider.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            “I  wasn’t  an  English  major,                                                                                     With  the  arrival  of  cold
            but  ‘tenuous’  seems  like  to  have  more  draconian  not seen since the summer  bleak  because  there  are  weather,  the  virus  risk  is
            the right word” to describe  measures.”                   surge.                       also  states  that  have  suc-  greater  because  people
            the condition of the coun-   The numbers bear him out.    The seven-day rolling aver-  ceeded in curbing previous  will  spend  time  indoors
            try, Giroir said this week on  According to data through  age  for  daily  new  deaths  surges.                     where  it  can  spread  more
            NBC.                         Thursday  from  Johns  Hop-  rose  over  the  past  two  But test positive rates have  readily. Contradictory mes-
            The  surge  can  be  control-  kins  University,  the  seven-  weeks from 704 to 803.  been  rising  in  44  states,  sages  from  the  top  don’t
            led  by  going  back  to  the  day rolling average for dai-  Fifteen states have test pos-  according  to  the  COVID  help.
            “3W’s” but “if we don’t do  ly new cases in the U.S. rose  itive rates of 10% or higher,  Tracking Project.         “The risk is enormous,” said
            those  things  it  may  force  over  the  past  two  weeks  considered  an  indicator  Giroir  also  said  the  facts  Auerbach. “We are literally
            local  officials  or  govern-  from 53,412 to 76,590. That  of  widespread  transmis-  contradict  the  notion  that  talking about lives being at
            ment  officials  in  the  states  marks  a  return  to  levels  sion.  The  picture  is  not  all  that the U.S. has more cas-  stake.”q

            2nd study testing a COVID-19 antibody drug has a setback

                                                                                                   Earlier  this  month,  a  differ-  case, he said.
                                                                                                   ent  group  of  monitors  rec-  Doctors already know that
                                                                                                   ommended pausing enroll-     timing  can  matter  when  it
                                                                                                   ment in a U.S. National Insti-  comes  to  COVID-19  treat-
                                                                                                   tutes of Health study testing  ments. Studies suggest that
                                                                                                   an  Eli  Lilly  antibody  drug  dexamethasone and other
                                                                                                   to  investigate  a  possible  steroids  can  lower  the  risk
                                                                                                   safety  issue  in  hospitalized  of  death  when  given  to
                                                                                                   patients.                    very  sick  patients  to  tamp
                                                                                                   On  Monday,  the  NIH  said  down  an  over-active  im-
                                                                                                   no  safety  problem  had  mune system, but they may
                                                                                                   been  verified,  but  they  be  harmful  for  those  who
                                                                                                   stopped the study because  are only mildly ill.
            In this undated image from video provided by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals on Friday, Oct. 2,   the  drug  didn't  seem  to  Lilly  and  Regeneron  have
            2020, scientists work with a bioreactor at a company facility in New York state, for efforts on an   work in that situation.  asked  the  Food  and  Drug
            experimental coronavirus antibody drug.                                                "These  kinds  of  results  are  Administration   to   allow
                                                                                  Associated Press  informing us about the tim-  emergency use of their ex-
            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE        who  need  intense  oxygen  Antibodies are proteins the  ing of the benefit," said Dr.  perimental  antibody  drugs
            AP Chief Medical Writer      treatment or breathing ma-   body  makes  when  an  in-   Myron  Cohen,  a  University  for mild and moderately ill
            For the second time, a study  chines -- because of a po-  fection occurs; they attach  of  North  Carolina  virologist  patients  who  don't  need
            testing an experimental an-  tential safety problem and  to  a  virus  and  help  it  be  who  advises  the  govern-  hospitalization.   President
            tibody  drug  for  COVID-19  unfavorable  balance  of  eliminated. But it can take  ment  on  COVID-19  treat-      Donald  Trump  got  the  Re-
            has been paused to investi-  risks and benefits.          several weeks for the most  ments.                        generon drug when he was
            gate a possible safety issue  The  study  can  continue  to  effective ones to form. The  Tests in animals suggest that  sickened earlier this month.
            in hospitalized patients.    test the two-antibody drug  experimental  drugs  aim  antibody  drugs  work  best  Regeneron  said  it  would
            Regeneron      Pharmaceu-    combo  in  hospitalized  pa-  to  help  immediately,  by  when  given  early  in  infec-  share  Friday's  advice  from
            ticals  Inc.  said  Friday  that  tients who need little or no  supplying   concentrated  tion to lower the amount of  independent monitors with
            independent monitors had  extra oxygen, the monitors  versions  of  one  or  two  an-  virus, he said. Once some-   the  FDA  and  leaders  of  a
            recommended placing on  said. Other studies in mild or  tibodies  that  worked  best  one  is  very  sick,  the  drugs  separate  study  in  the  Unit-
            hold enrollment of the most  moderately  ill  people  also  against  the  coronavirus  in  may  not  help,  but  it's  too  ed Kingdom testing its drug
            severely ill patients -- those  are continuing.           lab and animal tests.        soon  to  know  if  that's  the  in hospitalized patients.q
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