Page 12 - ATA 22 Oct,2015
P. 12


LOCALThursday 22 October 2015

Loyal Visitors to Aruba Honored at the Marriott Surf Club

PALM BEACH - Recently the      where the people are like ‘home-away-from-home.’ Heyliger, representing the and family from the Mar-
Aruba Tourism Authority
had the great pleasure of      family to them,  The certificates were pre- Aruba Tourism Author- riott Aruba Surf Club.
honoring a group of loyal
and friendly visitors of Aru-  and the Marriott is truly their sented by Ms. Marouska ity, together with  friends Congratulations!q
ba at the Marriott Surf Club
as Distinguished Visitors.
The symbolic honorary title
is presented in the name
of the Minister of Tourism
as a token of appreciation
to guests who visit Aruba
for 10-to-19 consecutive
The honorees were  Mr.
James Monteleone of Stat-
en Island, New York and
Mr. Lamar and Mrs. Kath-
ryn McMath of Chicago,
James Lamar and Kathryn
are loyal members of the
Marriott Surf Club and they
love Aruba very much be-
cause of the friendly peo-
the weather, the beaches,
the restaurants, the Casi-
nos, and just about every-
thing else! They say Aruba
feels like a second home
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