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A4   U.S. NEWS
              Wednesday 4 december 2019

            Jill Biden: Voters 'disgusted' Trump enlisted foreign help

            By BILL BARROW                                                                                                      Biden said, she's convinced
            Associated Press                                                                                                    they  fall  squarely  in  Joe
            PARKERSBURG,  Iowa  (AP)                                                                                            Biden's   political   wheel-
            —  Jill  Biden  said  Tuesday                                                                                       house.
            that  campaigning  on  her                                                                                          "This  election  is  a  referen-
            husband's  behalf  has  con-                                                                                        dum  on  character,  and  I
            vinced her that most Amer-                                                                                          think people know Joe that
            icans  are  "disgusted"  with                                                                                       way ... they know what kind
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            of  man  he  is,"  she  said.  "I
            and his effort to enlist Ukrai-                                                                                     think they admire Joe, and
            nian help in discrediting her                                                                                       they want a president they
            family.                                                                                                             can  feel  proud  of.  Joe  is
            "People know who Donald                                                                                             that person."
            Trump  is,"  Jill  Biden  said  in                                                                                  Separately,  she  also  dis-
            an  interview,  adding  that                                                                                        missed  concerns  about
            Trump  is  offering  voters  a                                                                                      whether  her  77-year-old
            "distraction"  with  his  accu-                                                                                     husband  is  up  for  the  job,
            sations that the Bidens en-                                                                                         and  she  expressed  frustra-
            gaged  in  corrupt  dealings                                                                                        tions  over  the  spotlight  on
            when son Hunter Biden ac-                                                                                           his  verbal  fumbles,  noting
            cepted a lucrative position                                                                                         that  she'd  just  finished  a
            with a Ukrainian energy firm                                                                                        speech in which she had to
            while  his  father  handled                                                                                         correct  herself  after  refer-
            U.S.-Ukraine  relations  as   Jill Biden speaks after her husband Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe   ring to "the NEA" -- the Na-
            vice president.              Biden during a bus tour stop, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, in Mason City, Iowa.              tional  Education  Associa-
            "They  know  it's  a  lie,"  Jill                                                                  Associated Press  tion -- instead of "the NRA,"
            Biden  told  The  Associated                                                                                        the  National  Rifle  Associa-
            Press  as  she  finished  four  gusted by that. They don't  mom  coming  up  and  giv-  judgment"  when  he  ac-    tion.
            days  of  campaigning  with  want  foreign  interference  ing you a hug and saying,  cepted a position on a for-    "You're saying your speech
            her  husband,  Joe  Biden,  in our elections."            'Honey,  I  love  you  and  it's  eign  energy  board  in  one  over  and  over  again,"  she
            and on her own in the first  Of  course,  that  doesn't  going to be OK.' His name is  of  the  world's  geopolitical  said.  "On  one  of  my  stops
            caucus state of Iowa.        mean  the  2020  spotlight  out there day after day af-   hotspots,  but  he  has  de-  today, a woman was talk-
            "It's  pretty  disgusting,  as  is  easy  for  Hunter,  she  ac-  ter day, with Trump pound-  nied any wrongdoing, and  ing about how she can't af-
            a  matter  of  fact,  that  our  knowledged.              ing  and  pounding  and  Ukrainian officials have said  ford  her  insulin,  her  pump.
            president has invited other  "I  see  Hunter.  I  know  how  pounding.  So,  you  know,  they found nothing untow-  They're  worried  about  real
            countries  to  get  involved  he's doing. I'm his mother,"  I'm a mom. I'm his mom."   ard.                         problems  or  how  to  put
            in  our  elections,"  Jill  Biden  Jill  Biden,  68,  said.  "There's  Hunter  Biden,  49,  has  ad-  However  difficult  the  dy-  food on the table or how to
            said. "People are pretty dis-  nothing  better  than  your  mitted   exercising   "poor  namics  are  personally,  Jill  send their kids to college.q

                                                                      Texas lawmaker ends campaign

                                                                      over 'Asian' candidate remarks

                                                                      they're  Asian  dropped  his  an Asian to win."           Miller  after  the  interview
                                                                      reelection bid Tuesday fol-  "And  that's  kind  of  racist  was published. Hours later,
                                                                      lowing  a  backlash  that  in-  in  my  mind,  but  anyway,  Miller released a statement
                                                                      cluded losing the endorse-   that's  not  necessary,  at  to the newspaper and oth-
                                                                      ment  of  the  state's  GOP  least not yet," Miller told the  er  outlets  saying  he  would
                                                                      governor.                    newspaper.                   abandon his reelection bid
                                                                      State Rep. Rick Miller since  He went on to suggest that  and  described  his  remarks
                                                                      2013  has  represented  a  a second challenger, Leon-     as "insensitive and inexcus-
                                                                      suburban  Houston  district  ard Chan, had similar moti-  able."
                                                                      in Fort Bend County, one of  vations.                     "My  comments  were  not
            In a Monday, June 17, 2019, photo, state Rep. Rick Miller, R-Sugar   the most diverse counites in  "I  don't  know,  I  never  met  made  with  malice  nor  do
            Land, stands at a news conference celebrating progress on the   the U.S. He told the Houston  the guy. I have no idea who  they  reflect  who  I  am  or
            Sugar Land 95 Memorial Project in Sugar Land, Texas.      Chronicle  that  one  of  his  he  is,"  Miller  said  of  Chan.  who I strive to be," he said.
                                                     Associated Press  primary  opponents,  Jacey  "He  has  not  been  around  Chan  and  Jetton  told  the
                                                                      Jetton, was running against  Republican channels at all,  newspaper  that  the  re-
            AUSTIN,  Texas  (AP)  —  A  his  political  rivals  on  the  him  in  2020  "because  he  but he's an Asian."       marks show why the subur-
            white  Texas  Republican  ballot  were  motivated  to  is  an  Asian"  and  decided  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  with-      ban Houston district needs
            lawmaker  who  suggested  run  against  him  because  "that my district might need  drew  his  endorsement  of  a change.q
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