Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
LOCAL Monday 12 June 2023
Prohibited by law: leaving the island with seashells, white sand or corals
(Oranjestad)—Often times, and amount of sand con- give nature the respect it
the customs department at fiscated is very strange and deserves by protecting our
the airport intercepts many it is suspected that our own environment. Abstain from
tourists leaving the island locals are the ones selling collecting seashells, white
with seashells, white sand these to the tourists, which sand and corals from our
and/or corals as souvenirs. is unacceptable. shores and stop buying or
Upon confiscation at the accepting these from local
Conforming to the inter- airport, you can also face sellers or companies.
national treaty of CITES a fine that they have to
and our local law which pay before leaving. This is We want our future gener-
protects our Flora & Fau- surely not a pleasant ex- ations and visitors to enjoy
na, it is absolutely prohib- perience for the tourist. This the beauty of our beaches,
ited to take any seashell, also leads to a negative re- shells and corals in a sus-
sand and coral outside action which can put our tainable way, without de-
of Aruba. This is to protect tourism in a negative light. stroying or disrupting the
our environment. The high Though we love to accom- Aruban ecosystem. Help us
number of seashells, coral modate our visitors, let’s all protect what is ours!q
Can I have a …, please?
ORANJESTAD — Want to just like a local! er delicious snack to try is a
taste something differ- dedito. it’s a stick of dough
ent for a change?? How One of the staples of Aru- wrapped around either
about a different breakfast ban cuisine and snacks is cheese or hotdog. It’s remi-
from what you are used to the Pastechi. Pastechi is niscent to pigs in a blanket
at your hotel. Hop in your a Caribbean fried pastry but it’s thinner and longer.
car, drive around and any- that is filled with cheese, If you’d like to order a de-
where around the island meat, chicken, veggies dito of cheese, you’d order
you will come across a lo- and sometimes even fish! . a “dedito di keshi” and if
cal snack shop. Or perhaps you might want it’s a dedito of hotdot, the
to try a croquette, locally order would be a “dedito
Here you will find all types of called a kroket which is a di hotdog.” If you want to
snacks loved by the locals. crusty fried snack made try something more famil-
With this article we will help out of meat that is usually iar go for a homemade
you order one of these de- shaped like a log and in its hamburger or a ham and cal touch. All these snacks fruit or a mix any fruit to-
licious and beloved snacks Dutch version a ball. Anoth- cheese toast, but with a lo- are ridiculously addictive. gether. What makes these
little snack shops more at-
Freshen up with a delicious tractive is the warmth of
fruit shake, locally called its people and with the
Batidos. They are made out smile while you are being
of watermelon, strawberry, served.q
banana, papaya, passion