Page 22 - bon-dia-aruba-20230310
P. 22

Diabierna 10 Maart 2023 obituArio

               “My flesh and my heart
               May fail, but God is the
               Strength of my heart and
               My portion forever.”
               Psalm 73:26                                    Jehová es mi pastor, nada me faltara.           “the Lord gave and the Lord
                                                              Salmo 23:1                                      has  taken  away;  blessed
               We announce the passing of:                                                                    be  the  name  of  the  Lord”
                                                              Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di                   (Job 1:21)

                                                                                                              With    Saddened   And
                       Nilo Orbase Grajo                                                                      Grateful   Hearts,   We
                        *02-09-1962 - †06-03-2023                                                             Announce The Death Of:
               Left to mourn are his:
               Wife:         Janet Grajo
               Children:     Abegail Janil van der Velden                                                         Roland Tennyson Wilson
                             Christopher Neil Grajo                                                              Also Known As “Captain” Or  “Roly-Poly”
               Son in law:    Tony van der Velden                                                                 *06 September 1941----† 04 March 2023
               Siblings:     Myrna Hernando
                             Noli Grajo Jr.
                             Eddie Grajo
                             Edwin Grajo                                                                      Circling  searchingly  in  the  waters  of  this  world
                                                                                                              in  motor  merchantships;  Navigating  the  seas  of
               Sister-in-law:    Bhing Cabudol                                                                happiness through sharing lasting friendships;
                             Blessie Grajo                                                                    Piloting  all  my  being’s  vessels  within  caring
                                                                                                              memories of beloveds; Fastening moorings steadily
               Opportunity  for  condolences:  Wednesday,  March                                              alongside even distant ports in the afternow
               8, and Thursday, March 9, 2023, at Aurora Funeral
               Home from 07:00 to 09:00 pm
               Cremation  will  take  place  on  Friday,  March  10,     Hilario Dijkhoff                     Rauru Wilson & Family (Norway)
               2023, at Aurora Funeral Home from 10:00 to 11:00        14 januari 1944 – 5 maart 2023         Stefanie Johansson (Norway)
               am.                                                       “mihor conoci como Jay”              Janice Wilson (Aruba)
                                                              Na nomber di su:
                                                              Esposa: †Mercedes Dijkhoff-Sanchez              Siblings:
                                                                                                              Joan Wilson (Aruba)
                                                              Yiunan: Carlos Alberto Dijkhoff                 Cornelius Wilson (Netherlands)
                                                                 Marianela Dijkhoff & Naichel Scharbaai       Sandra Wilson & Family (Aruba)
                                                                                                              Norman Wilson (Deceased) Bonaire
                                                              Nieto(a)nan: Sebastian & Soraya, Brandon, Gabriela   Glenn Wilson (Deceased) Aruba
              Laga  tur  loke  ta  spera  mi  ta              & Miguel, Thiara & Claymore, Daniëlla, Aaliyah
              bunita                                                                                          Grandchildren:
              Laga tur locual cu mi encontra                  Bisanietonan: Louay, Nadinah                    Theodor, Selma & Aaron Wilson (Norway)
              na caminda ta bunita
              Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras                Rumannan:† Nicolaas Dijkhoff & Wica             Nieces & Nephews:
              keda bunita y                                            † Venancio & † Maria Dijkhoff          Guiletta Herold-Wilson & Family (Usa)
              Laga  esakinan  termina  den  tur                        Gumersindo & Annie Dijkhoff            Efia Scuotto-Luis & Family (Curaçao)
              buniteza.                                                † Bertha Dijkhoff                      Fedon Wilson & Family (Grenada/Usa)
              Cado Wever.                                              Benvenuta Y Canisio Di Vecchia         Malcolm Wilson (Bonaire)
                                                                       Novito Dijkhoff                        Lloyd Wilson & Family (Netherlands)
              Cu  profundo  tristeza  nos  ta                          Angel & Groxi Dijkhoff                 Henri Wilson & Family (Aruba)
              anuncia cu a fayece:                                     Violanda & † Nelson Lampe
                            Rey Tromp                                  Edwin & Dora Dijkhoff                  In-Laws:
                                                                                                              Marjolein Wilson-Finies
                        *28-10-1951 - †26-02-2023                      Margarita & Harrie Aalders
                                                              Sobrino & sobrinanan, Primo & primanan          .        Direct  &  Extended  Families:  Wilson,  Euson,
              Na nomber di su:                                                                                Jones, , Marsden, Mcdonald, Brooks, Tearr, Berkel,
              Esposa: Maria Ramona Reyes                      Mescos cu famia: Gerardo & Lucina Perez, Jose Co-  Connor,  Martijn,  Royer,  Granger,  Van  Aanholt,
              Yiu di criansa: Jaquelis Cacillas               mas y famia                                     Maxwell, Warner, Richardson, Bosch, Weberstadt,
              Rumannan: Casimiro Tromp                                                                        Welles,  Coffie,  Trieu,  Van  Veen,  Van  Putten,
                       Cristina Tromp                         Bisinjanan:  Famia  Wiersma,  Famia  Zhen,  Famia   Viapree-Mars, Finies, Bes, Frans, De Wolff, Thode
                       Filomena Tromp                         Martinez
              Sobrino(a)nan: Eric Tromp                                                                       Close  Friends,  Ex-Colleagues  And  Other  Dear
                 Sussy Lacle                                  Demas  famia  y  conocir:  Dijkhoff,  Sanchez,  Galan   Ones:    In  Aruba,  Boneiru,  Korsou,  St  Maarten,
                 Carlina Ortega                               Salamanca,  Lobaton  Fuchs,  Scharbaai,  Maduro,   Statia,  Saba,  The  United  States  Of  America,
                 Israel Ortega                                Lacle,  Maria,  Lampe,  Geerman,  Di  Vecchia,  Eras-  Grenada,  Jamaica,  The  Netherlands,  The  United
                 Xiemena Ortega                               mus,  Goitia,  Gomez,  Saitch,  Martinez,  Soto,  Co-  Kingdom, Norway And Australia.
                 Sarah                                        mas, Perez, Benavidez, Kelly, Villegas, Krozendijk,
                 Sharuska                                     Dirksz, Su rumannan Testigo di Jehova.          Most  Sincere  Apologies  To  Anyone  Inadvertently
                 Miriam Tromp                                                                                 Omitted Hereabove.
              Bisiñanan Stima: Linda, Gerlin y Maria          ta invita pa acto di condolencia cu lo tuma lugar dia-
                                                              bierna 10 di maart 2023 na Aurora di 7or pa 9or di   Gratitude  To  All  Who  Assisted  In  Making  This
              Demas famia, su amigonan di Madiki, primo(a)nan   anochi.                                       Stage Of Roland’s Life As Comfortable Possible.
              y tur famia Tromp
              Despensa nos si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida un   Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diasabra 11 di maart na   Ceremonies  Allowing  Taking  Leave  Of  The
              of otro persona                                 Salon di Reino di testigo di Jehova na Bubali 5F di   Deceased And Offering Of Condolences,  Followed
              Ta invita demas famia, bisiña, amigo- y conocirnan,   2or pa 4or di atardi y despues lo sali bai pa santana   By  Cremation,  Will  Take  Place  At  Pray  Funeral
              pa e acto di despedida cual lo tuma lugar Diabierna   central na Sabana Basora.                 Home, San Nicolas, From 09:00 To 11:00 Hrs. On
              10 di maart 2023, for 2 or pa 4 or di atardi na Aurora                                          Saturday 11 March 2023.
              Funeral Home. Cremacion lo tuma lugar den seno   Despensa nos si den nos tristeza nos por a luibida un
              familiar.                                       of otro persona.                                Regretfully   No   Other   Opportunities   For
              Ta  lamenta  cu  despues  di  despedida  no  ta  ricibi   Despues di despedida nos no ta ricibi bishita na cas.  Condolences Will Be Possible..
              bishita di condolencia na cas.
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