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LOCALThursday 11 February 2016

Queen of the world           how you’re going to per-         back into the windsurfing        takes a toll on you. I left   bed, a closet and a car!”
                             form. Winning both titles        swing, but this year I finally   home at the beginning of
 Continued from page 13      was mind blowing and I           felt like I was progressing      June and was back by mid      CY: What’s your plans for
                             couldn’t believe it.             again, so as I said.. it really  December.                     the rest of the off season?
CY:Out of all the world      Whereas this year, it was        felt like a victory this time.   So when I finally got back
titles you’ve won is there   something I really aimed for     BOOOOOOMMM!!!!!”                 home, I think I went M.I.A    SQ: “Well… My first compe-
one that stands out in your  and having accomplished          CY: After such a long year       for 2 weeks and slept a LOT   tition is in May, but the way I
mind more than others? If    it, really felt like a victory.  on tour is it nice to finally    hahaha. I did windsurf a lot  see it that’s already around
so, why?                     I had no sail sponsor last       be able to relax and spend       as well. what else do you     the corner.
                             year (2014) and getting all                                       do when it’s windy !?         I’m going to hang around
SQ: “Both 2011 and 2015.     my gear together was just        some time at home?                                             Aruba though, because
When I won both freestyle    a hassle.                        SQ: “Wauwie! That was re-        But’s nice to be     I haven’t been home for
and slalom championship      This year I was fully            ally long, all that travelling   back in your comfort zone     longer than 4 weeks in five
titles. In 2011 I had spent  equipped with my new             and competing definitely         and recharge for a while.     years. And the windy sea-
most of my time studying     sail sponsor Neilpryde,                                           You really start appreciat-   son starts NOW. I’ll prob-
and less time on the board.  and I could really focus                                          ing having your own room,     ably get a lot of freestyle
And then it’s hard to come   on my sailing. since I fin-                                                                     and slalom in, but still need
out and compete when         ished my studies in 2014,                                                                       to figure out where to go to
you’re not so sure about     it took me a while to get                                                                       practice some waves.”

                                                                                                                             CY: Thanks SQ. Enjoy the
                                                                                                                             rest of your winter and
                                                                                                                             we’ll look forward to seeing
                                                                                                                             you again a little later this
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