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Wednesday 15 May 2024 locAl

             Donkeys, their arrival to Aruba                                                                           Episode CCLIV - 255

              Each week, Island Insight shares an Aruban story with
              you through the eyes of Etnia Nativa, who welcomes
              island visitors with an experience way beyond tourist
              attractions. We link readers with the mystical aspects
              of the island, its native culture, and its traditional heri-
              tage. During this episode, we explain the important
              role that our friends, the donkeys, played in Aruba.

              A donkey is an animal that has been mistreated for-
              ever. Donkeys (Equus asinus) are not native to Aruba
              and  arose  from  the  domestication  of  the  North  Af-
              rican  wild  asses  (Equus  africanus)  more  than  10,000
              years ago, pretty much at the same time as horses in
              Eurasia. Since then, they have been used as pack an-
              imals, mounts, and, dare we say, donkeys, for ridicule!

              The first ones to catch the wild asses were the Egyp-
              tians;  for  them,  the  donkey  represented  ignorance,
              which they alluded to by putting an elaborate “don-       they traveled to America.                  duced  in  large  numbers.  Many  were
              key’s  head”  on  those  who,  due  to  their  ignorance,   Aruban  donkeys  arrived  through  the   killed by cars during the night. People
              deserved it, as they also considered donkeys to be        Spanish  trade  with  the  island,  provid-  were also angered when they created
              a symbol of strong winds and bad omens and were           ing  personal  transportation  and  ma-    havoc by entering plantations, private
              usually mistreated.                                       nure and being used as pack animals        gardens, and residential areas, eating
              During the Roman Empire, the donkey was not only          by our forefathers. They were a com-       everything green to the roots, tumbling
              considered  bad  luck,  but  there  was  also  a  fable   modity  in  those  days;  since  having  a   garbage  canisters,  etc.  Others  had
              about  the  god  Jupiter,  who  had  sent  mortals  back   large  number  of  donkeys  meant  that   the bad luck to be coughed up and
              on donkeys with “the treasure of eternal youth.” How-     they  could  be  used  as  an  exchange    sold as animal food for tigers and lions
              ever, the long journey tired the donkey, who took the     measure when money was scarce. In          when  an  occasional  traveling  circus
              chance to stop and drink some water from a fountain       that way, the fortune of a person, par-    visited the “happy island.” Also, many
              nearby, where a snake was enjoying the freshness of       ticularly farmers and merchants, could     were killed by dogs’ attacks and other
              the  water.  Seeing  it,  it  said,  “Donkey,  give  me  that   be partly measured by the number of   accidents.
              which you are carrying on your back, and I will let you   “buricos”  –means  donkeys  in  our  lan-  Today,  visiting  families  and  their  chil-
              drink from my fountain! So the tired and tied donkey      guage  Papiamento-they  possessed          dren do have fun with the burros at the
              did not hesitate to exchange the treasure of eternal      during Aruba’s colonial era.               donkey  sanctuary.  A  good-hearted
              youth it  was  carrying for a  few  “sips”  of freshwater.                                           initiative has created a safe haven for
              From that moment on, snakes obtained the privilege        With the arrival of the automobile, our    Aruba’s buricos. In 1997, the “Stichting
              of changing their skin, thus recovering the freshness     friend, the donkey, was gradually for-     Salba Nos Burico,” aka “Save Our Don-
              of youth by shedding their old skin while we mortals      gotten.  Some  were  loose;  others  es-   keys  Foundation,”  was  established,
              aged. Getting closer to the present, around the year      caped  their  owners,  forming  packs      creating a safe haven for injured or dis-
              1000 B.C., the donkey became a popular mode of            that  roamed  the  northern  coastal       placed donkeys. Years later, it began
              transportation in Egypt, Asia, and Europe, from which     areas  of  the  island  freely  and  repro-  to be known as the Donkeys’ Sanctu-

                                                                                                                   Would you like to know all about Aru-
                                                                                                                   ba?  Get  connected  to  Etnia  Nativa,
                                                                                                                   the  navel  of  Aruba  and  a  real  hid-
                                                                                                                   den island treasure. Discover how this
                                                                                                                   unique  place  is  a  repository  of  scien-
                                                                                                                   tific knowledge and select collections.
                                                                                                                   Etnia Nativa is a tribute to Aruba’s rich
                                                                                                                   history and cultural heritage, involving
                                                                                                                   a  beautiful  property  made  only  with
                                                                                                                   reused materials and guided tours by
                                                                                                                   the owner, the main cultural columnist
                                                                                                                   of this newspaper, whose native roots
                                                                                                                   date back to 1640. Visitors can enjoy a
                                                                                                                   diverse array of artworks, objects, arti-
                                                                                                                   facts, dissected animals, plants, histori-
                                                                                                                   cal colonial furniture, and many more
                                                                                                                   things while diving to the navel of Aru-
                                                                                                                   ba. Book your visit: WhatsApp +297 592
                                                                                                                   2702 or etnianativa03@gmail.comq
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