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Covid ta
maneha nos...
Of nos ta maneha Covid...?
Diahuebs 6 di Augustus 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
Bar y prostitucion ta draai • ATIA ta urgi
Gobierno pa
economia na San Nicolas yega na acuerdo
cu Hulanda
Pagina 4
• Prome minister
ta confirma
casonan nobo
Pagina 3
• Candidato
activo di partido
MEP a leak
Pagina 2 Pagina 10
Dutch Caribbean
Thursday Corals
August 6, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31/32
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Gone for good? Evidence signals many jobs aren’t coming back
By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER to a slower recovery in the
AP Economics Writer job market than if restau-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Stark rants, hotels, bars and re-
evidence of the damage tail shops were able to fully
the resurgent viral out- reopen and recall all their
break has caused the U.S. laid-off employees. Few ex-
economy could come Fri- pect that to happen.
day when the government On Friday, economists ex-
is expected to report that pect the government to
the pace of hiring has slo- report that employers ad-
wed significantly after a ded 1.6 million jobs in July,
brief rebound in the spring. according to data provi-
As the coronavirus conti- der FactSet, and that the
nues to transform a vast unemployment rate de-
swath of the economy, it’s clined from 11.1% to a still-
becoming evident that mil- high 10.5%.
lions of Americans face the At any other time, a million
prospect of a permanent or more jobs would consti-
job loss that will force some tute an unheard-of incre-
to seek work with new in- ase.
dustries or in new occupa- People wait to speak with representatives from the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
tions. If so, that would lead about unemployment claims Thursday, July 9, 2020, in Midwest City, Okla.
Continued on Page 25 Associated Press