Page 46 - MIN ARENDS
P. 46
I. Main economic indicators
the banking sector resulted from net sales of foreign
Monetary developments The Afl. 25.2 million decline in the net foreign assets of
exchange of Afl. 216.0 million to the public, mainly
In April 2017, money supply decreased by Afl. 43.1 associated with goods, other services and income
million to Afl. 4,137.8 million, compared to March 2017,
Diabierna 18 augustus 2017 accounts. These were largely counter‐balanced by net
resulting from less net foreign assets and net purchases of foreign exchange of Afl. 190.7 million
Caida den activo domestico netto y reserva di divisa netto
domestic assets of Afl. 25.2 million and Afl. 17.9
from the public, mainly related to foreign exchange
million, respectively.
ORANJESTAD - Na april rin) cual a wordo causa pa revenue from tourism activities, net transfers from
2017 e cantidad di placa subidanan den shareholders foreign accounts and transportation services (see
den circulacion a baha cu equity y accounts receiva-
Money, as a component of broad money, declined by
43.1 miyon florin y a yega bel and payments y otro li- Table A).
Afl. 33.6 million to Afl. 2,272.3
te na 4137.8 miyon florin abilities, como tambe den million, as demand
compara cu maart 2017. transaccionnan di clearing y
deposits registered a downturn of Afl. 33.8 million.
Esaaki ta e resultado di credito domestico a mengua Table A. Change in Net Foreign Assets (NFA) April 2017
The contraction in demand deposits was the
menos reserva di divisa (-6,8 miyon florin). E credito (in Afl. millions)
netto y activo domestico domestico a baha debi na me- Net purchases of foreign exchange 190.7
consequence of decreases in deposits denominated in
(-25,2 miyon y -17,9 miyon nos credito bancario netto na
florin). both Aruban florin and foreign currency of Afl. 5.1 Tourism services 159.0
sector publico (-34,6 miyon
Net transfers from foreign accounts
florin), cual a wordo neu-
million and Afl. 28.7 million, respectively. Quasi‐money
E caida aki den activo do- tralisa den gran parti pa un Transportation services 6.2
mestico netto a surgi debi na crecemento den credito ban- Direct investment 0.3
decreased by Afl. 9.5 million to Afl. 1,865.5 million, as
transaccionnan no relaciona cario na sector priva (+27,9
time deposits denominated in Aruban florin edged
cu credito (-11,2 miyon flo- miyon florin). Capital account transactions 0.2
Portfolio investment
down by Afl. 12.7 million, while savings deposits Net sales of foreign exchange -216.0
denominated in Aruban florin grew by Afl. 2.7 million. Goods -149.5
Other services -17.8
Esaki ta a consecuencia di un
The decline in the domestic component of the money (-13.828 bishitante menos 73,6 miyon florin na april
Other investment
subida den depositonan di
2017, esaki ta 13,8 miyon
cual ta representa -63,9 por-
supply resulted from an Afl. 11.2 million reduction in ciento). Items not yet classified -6.4
menos compara cu e luna
gobierno (+131,4 miyon flo-
rin) debi cu gobierno a saca
Current transfers
non‐credit related balance sheet items and an Afl. 6.8 Turismo crucero tambe a reg- prome. E caida aki ta debi na
istra un aumento di 12.642 un bahada den entrada di im-
bono (+125 miyon florin).
Financial derivatives
Expansion den sector priva
million decrease in the domestic credit. The decrease bishitante cual ta ekivalente puesto (-13,8 miyon florin) y
Government services
a conduci na mas credito na na 25 porciento. un aumento den entrada no
relata na impuesto (+0,8 mi-
in the non‐credit related balance sheet items was flo- NET CHANGE IN NFA (minus (-) denotes a decrease) -25.2
empresa (+17,4 miyon
Entrada gobierno
yon florin).
rin), tambe tabatin mas hipo-
mostly related to increases in shareholders’ equity Source: Centrale Bank van Aruba
teca pa vivienda (+6 miyon
Entrada di gobierno a suma
and accounts receivable and prepayments other
florin) y banda di esaki taba-
tin mas credito na consumi-
liabilities and clearing transactions. Domestic credit
do (+4,5 miyon florin).
Caida den reserva di divisa
contracted due to a fall of Afl. 34.6 million in the net
netto di sector bancario a
wordo causa pa benta
claims on the public sector, which was largely offset netto component “Housing”, which was mainly driven by a Table B. Components of Inflation
di divisa na publico (-216
by a gain of Afl. 27.9 million in the claims of the End‐month 12‐month
miyon florin), esaki ta prin- fall in electricity. In contrast, the components
banking sector on the private sector. cipalmente relaciona cu “Transport”, “Food and Non‐Alcoholic Beverages”, Inflation components Apr‐16 Apr‐16 average inflation
entrada di importacion di “Education” and “Restaurant and Hotels” registered Food And Non‐Alcoholic Beverages ‐0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1
mercancia, otro servicio y in-
come account.
The fall in the net claims on the public sector was increases. Excluding the effect of food and energy , Beverages And Tobacco Products 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
mainly due to an Afl. 131.4 million rise in government the growth in the core CPI was 0.5 percent (YoY) (see Clothing & Footwear ‐0.1 0.0 ‐0.1 0.0
Pa loke ta e indice di con-
deposits, which was caused by a bond issuance of Afl. Table B). The 12‐month average inflation rate was ‐0.6 Housing ‐0.7 ‐0.9 0.4 ‐0.8
sumo, a registra un caida di
Household Operation
125.0 million. The Afl. 27.9 million rise in the claims on percent in April 2017, compared to ‐0.7 percent in Health 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0,1 porciento na april 2017,
compara cu april 2016. Loke
the private sector was attributed to increases in loans Source: Centrale Bank van Aruba Transport ‐0.7 0.5 ‐1.0 0.0
March 2017 (see Chart 3).
cu a aporta na gran parti na
e caida aki ta e componente
to enterprises, housing mortgages and consumer Communication 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Recreation And Culture
vivienda, primordialmente
credit of Afl. 17.4 million, Afl. 6.0 million and Afl. 4.5 Inflation Education 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
debi na e reduccion di prijs di
million, respectively (see Chart 1). electricidad. Pa loke ta trata The consumer price index (CPI) for April 2017 noted a Restaurants And Hotels 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1
transporte, cuminsa y bebida
no alcoholico, educacion y Miscellaneous Goods And Services ‐1.6 ‐0.1 ‐0.2 ‐0.6
restaurant y hotel a registra
1 Excluding revaluation differences of gold and foreign 0.1 percent decrease year‐over‐year (YoY) (see Total Excluding Energy & Food 0.0 0.5 0.7 0.4
exchange holdings. subida. Si exclui cuminda y Chart 2). The main contributor to this decline was the Source: Central Bureau of Statistics and Centrale Bank van Aruba
energia di indice di prijs di
consumo, inflacion tin un
crecemento di 0,5 porciento
compara cu april 2016. 1 Tourism
Turismo In April 2017, the number of stay‐over visitors
E cantidad di bishitante cu a amounted to 96,915, which is 1.9 percent (‐1,908
registra na april 2017 tabata
96.915, cual ta 1.9 porciento visitors) less than in April 2016 (Chart 4). The decline in
menos cu na april 2016. Prin- tourism from the Latin American market of 40.4
cipalmente esaki a wordo
causa pa un caida di turista di Source: Central Bureau of Statistics percent (‐11,394 visitors) was primarily responsible for
Latino America di 40.4 por-
ciento. Mercado Mericano si this contraction. On the other hand, the North
tabatin un aumento di 13.9 American market registered an increase of 13.9
E caida den turista di Latino percent (+8,527 visitors).
America ta debi na e caida
di bishitante di Venezuela
The decrease in the Latin American market was
caused by a drop in visitors from Venezuela (‐13,828
visitors or ‐63.9 percent). The rise in the North
American market was due to an expansion in arrivals
from the United States (+7,657 visitors or 13.1
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics In the month under review, total number of nights
spent in Aruba, as indicated by the visitors, increased
by 6.0 percent to 683,998, compared to the same
month of the previous year. The average intended
night stays increased from 6.5 nights in April 2016 to
7.1 nights in April 2017.
The number of cruise visitors registered a rise of
12,642 or 25.0 percent to 63,221 in April 2017,
compared to April 2016. The number of ship calls
increased from 26 in April 2016 to 28 in April 2017.
2 Partly affects the housing and transport components.