Page 25 - HOH
P. 25
Tuesday 2 February 2021
'A long two days': Major storm pummels Northeast with snow
By JENNIFER PELTZ and KAR- inches (30.5 to 61 cm) of
EN MATTHEWS heavy, wet snow and wind
Associated Press gusts of up to 55 mph along
NEW YORK (AP) — A sprawl- the coast, according to
ing, lumbering winter storm Gov. Charlie Baker.
walloped the Eastern U.S. "We're used to dealing with
on Monday, shutting down snow this time of year, but
coronavirus vaccination it's important for folks to
sites, closing schools and take this one seriously due
halting transit as snow piled to the heavy snowfall, the
up from the Appalachians high winds, and the speed
to New England, with the with which this snow is go-
heaviest accumulations yet ing to fall when it starts to
to come in many places. come down," Baker said at
With flakes falling since a press conference.
Sunday evening, New York Connecticut Gov. Ned
City and northern New Jer- Lamont said most vaccina-
sey braced for as much as tions scheduled in his state
22 inches (56 cm) of snow, for Monday were post-
and parts of New England poned, but he noted that
for a foot or more. The the vaccine can be kept,
National Weather Service refrigerated, for days.
warned that high winds In a school year when
and snowfall could persist many students are already
into Tuesday in New York Steve Kent skis through Times Square during a snowstorm, Monday, Feb. 1, 2021, in the Manhattan learning from home, in-per-
and Wednesday in New borough of New York. son classes were canceled
England. Associated Press in many places.
"We're looking at a long two "I'd like to think there is still
days here," New York Gov. mia on an Allentown street volved had a long-running Times-Dispatch reported. some virtual learning go-
Andrew Cuomo said at a Monday morning. About 60 conflict, but "this morning, Across the Northeast, many ing on, with a little bit of
virtual news conference, miles (97 km) north in Plains the dispute was exacer- coronavirus vaccination time for sledding along the
noting that road conditions Township, a shooting that bated by a disagreement sites closed Monday. way," Lamont quipped.
were already "seriously followed an argument over over snow disposal," District The storm disrupted the New York City mom Alyssa
dangerous" at midday. snow removal killed a mar- Attorney Stefanie Salavan- second phase of Massa- Burnham was happy for her
In Brooklyn, cars slid and ried couple, and the sus- tis said. chusetts' vaccine rollout as son to have "a break from
got stuck on a slight hill. pect was later found dead In Virginia, four firefighters a Boston site that was sup- his regular routine."
In Pennsylvania, authorities at his nearby home of a were taken to hospitals with posed to open Monday Now that snow days have
said a 67-year-old woman wound believed to have non-life-threatening injuries for residents ages 75 and blurred into remote-learn-
with Alzheimer's disease been self-inflicted, officials after their fire truck over- over did not; some other ing days, "it's fun for him to
who reportedly wandered in Luzerne County said. turned Sunday on snow- mass vaccination sites just get out here and be a
away from her home was A preliminary investigation covered roads in Henrico were open. The state was kid," she said as he played
found dead of hypother- indicates the people in- County, The Richmond expected to get 12 to 18 in the snow.q
Report: Many U.S. nursing home staff decline first COVID shots
been reported anecdot- the people they care for. CVS and Walgreens say
ally — many nursing home The problem was discussed they have wrapped up
workers are not getting the last week during a meeting first-dose clinics in nursing
shots. of an expert panel that ad- homes. The chains plan
The CDC looked at more vises the CDC on vaccine three visits to each loca-
than 11,000 nursing homes policy. At the meeting, the tion.
and skilled nursing facilities CDC's Dr. Amanda Cohn The CDC released a sec-
that had at least one vac- said more staffers get vac- ond report Monday that of-
cination clinic between cinated when a second fered a larger national look
the middle of December or third clinic is held at a at who has been getting
and the middle of Janu- home. the vaccine.
ary. The researchers found "Continuing to capture The CDC study found that
that while 78% of residents those staff who did not ac- of the people who got at
got at least one shot, only cept vaccine early will be least one shot between
37.5% of staff members did. really important as we try mid-December and mid-
Registered Pharmacist Ken Ramey with CVS, prepares to give a Data previously showed eliminate outbreaks and January, 63% were wom-
COVID-19 vaccine, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, at the Isles of Vero
Beach assisted and independent senior living community in that people who work in protect both staff and resi- en, and 55% were age 50
Vero Beach, Fla. nursing homes and long- dents in long-term care fa- or older. It also found 60%
Associated Press term care facilities get flu cilities," Cohn said. were White, 11.5% Hispan-
vaccines at lower rates The government tasked ic, 6% Asian, 5% Black, 2%
By MIKE STOBBE are first offered, U.S. health than other health-care CVS and Walgreens with American Indian/Alaska
AP Medical Writer officials said Monday. workers. Surveys suggest administering the shots to Native, and most of the
A little more than a third of The Centers for Disease that long-term care work- long-term care homes in others multiracial.
nursing home workers have Control and Prevention ers are skeptical the shots nearly every state. Each The report echoed previ-
been getting COVID-19 gave a national account- work and don't think viruses vaccine requires two shots ously released data from
vaccines when the shots ing of a problem that's spread easily from them to a few weeks apart, and states.q