Page 3 - Minister Otmar Oduber
P. 3

                                                                                                                      Wednesday 23 December

Paseo Herencia is a Great Place for Xmas Dinner; Just Ask the Staff!

PALM BEACH - Paseo Her-
encia Shopping Mall in
Palm Beach has several
excellent options to enjoy
a delicious dinner, offering
anything from Mexican to
an ample Argentine mixed
grill. It was, however, at
their newest, and most in-
triguing venue, The Lazy
Turtle, where the mall’s top
management chose this
year to treat their office
staff to a fabulous holiday
The mood was bright and

                              festive, with shoppers stroll-  late Caramel Turtle dessert!
                              ing the halls, enjoying the     Co-owner of Paseo Her-
                              lively decor and stunning       encia Dan Oduber and
                              array at the many shops.        GM Valerie Pietersz-Ca-
                              Open for only one month,        macho noted their staff
                              The Lazy Turtle is impressing   was very well pleased with
                              diners with its unique and      this year’s end of year cel-
                              diverse menu, featuring         ebration. They savored fine
                              international cuisine along     food and company, while
                              with unusual dishes from        being gently serenaded by
                              Africa and Thailand. They       Steelpan, a regular feature
                              have put together a very        of Friday night at the mall.
                              tempting special holiday        All the staff and owners of
                              menu for groups of then or      Paseo Herencia Shopping
                              more. It features excellent     Mall expressed their best
                              choices for starters and a      wishes to all their loyal pa-
                              main course, and you can-       trons, island visitor and the
                              not go home without sam-        populace of Aruba a very
                              pling the Double Choco-         happy and healthy holiday
                                                              season, and all the best in
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