Page 14 - ATA
P. 14

                                                                                                                                                                       Friday 10 March 2017

Loyal Guests Honored at the Casa del Mar Beach Resort

ORANJESTAD - Recently the Aru-        lar guests of the Casa del Mar
ba Tourism Authority had the          Beach Resort, and they love the
great pleasure of honoring a very     island very much because of the
nice couple who are loyal and         friendly people, the safety, the
friendly visitors of Aruba at the     weather, the beaches, the res-
Casa del Mar Beach Resort as          taurants and the diversity of the
Goodwill Ambassadors. The sym-        island. Aruba feels like a second
bolic honorary title is presented in  home to these special guests and
the name of the Minister of Tour-     the people here are like a fam-
ism as a token of appreciation to     ily to them. The certificate was
guests who visit Aruba for 20-to-34   presented by Mr. Ricardo Cores
consecutive years.                    representing the Aruba Tourism
The honorees were Mr. Thomas          Authority together with General
and Mrs. Marion Sudac, celebrat-      Manager Bob Curtis and Shah-
ing over 30 years visiting Aruba!     aira Morris from the Casa del Mar
Thomas and Marion are regu-           Beach Resort.q
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