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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 23 November 2019
Winfrey, Coates among speakers at tribute to Toni Morrison
By HILLEL ITALIE of the self" and saved them,
Associated Press deeming them "worthy to
NEW YORK (AP) — In offer- be heard." Author Edwidge
ing tribute to Toni Morrison, Danticat, fondly speak-
speakers from Oprah Win- ing of Morrison's smoking a
frey to Fran Lebowitz on cigarette at the Louvre in
Thursday each shared a Paris, noted her identities
very different, but equally as a mother, grandmother,
special portrait of the late sister, editor and teacher,
Nobel laureate, who died and now, in her passing, an
in August at 88. ancestor.
Angela Davis remem- Ta-Nehisi Coates, not even
bered a dear friend who born when Morrison pub-
as a Random House edi- lished her debut novel "The
tor helped launch her writ- Bluest Eye," acknowledged
ing career and would jot his jealousy that some got
down notes for what be- to know her so well. Mor-
came the classic "Song of rison's impact on him was
Solomon" as she cooked through her printed words.
eggs for her family. Lebow- He spoke of being startled
itz marveled at Morrison's by the landmark "Black
seemingly photographic Book," a scrapbook of
memory of the bad reviews black American life that his
she had received. Poet father kept in the family's
Kevin Young once went to bookstore in the 1970s. He
the movies ("The Five Heart- In this Nov. 8, 2006, file photo, American novelist Toni Morrison, smiles during a press conference praised the economy and
beats") with her and other- at the Louvre Museum in Paris. poetry of her language,
wise proudly sat at her feet. Associated Press her sense of humor and the
Winfrey spoke of Morrison's to thousands gathered thor who may well endure roughly 100-minute cer- wisdom of what he called
majestic, sometimes intimi- at sundown at Manhat- as the essential American emony, others murmured, "grown folks literature."
dating presence, and of tan's historic Cathedral of literary voice of her time, affirmed and cheered out Words on Thursday were in-
the complexity of her work, St. John the Divine, where one who universalized the loud. terspersed with music, from
novels such as "Beloved" for more than 30 years earlier stories of black Americans Speakers stood in the ca- the dreamlike saxophone
which a single reading was Morrison had been among and raised American prose thedral's pulpit and hailed solo of David Murray to
not enough. She also ac- those saying goodbye to to poetic heights. the spirit of Morrison. Jes- singer-pianist Andy Bey's
knowledged that her hero- James Baldwin. Attendees were young myn Ward, a two-time Na- reflective take on "Some-
ine, so down to earth on "Who says that? Who even and old, of diverse genders tional Book Award winner, one to Watch Over Me."
some occasions, was well goes there?" and races, members of the outlined the long history But the deepest music was
aware that she really was With its massive rose win- publishing world and long- of how blacks had been in the words of Morrison, in
Toni Morrison. dow and nave ceiling time fans. robbed and usurped and a passage from "Song of
"She told me once, 'I've reaching more than 100 They filled the front seats, called Morrison a kind of Solomon" — selected by
always known I was gal- feet, the cathedral was and the back seats. Some prophet who found a wan- Winfrey — about the power
lant,'" Winfrey confided suitably grand for an au- sat quietly through the dering people "in the desert and possibility of land.q
Tom Waits' songs shine on female-focused tribute
By JILL LAWLESS Contributors on "Come On the same could be said of
Associated Press Up to the House" include indie-folk band The Wild
Various artists, "Come On Roseanne Cash and Patty Reeds' wispy take on "Tom
Up to the House: Women Griffin, and many of the Traubert's Blues."
Sing Waits" (Dualtone) 12 tracks feature stripped- Distinctive takes are pro-
Hard-times troubadour Tom down arrangements that vided by Iris Dement, who
Waits gets the Great Ameri- reveal the strong melodies brings an old-timey coun-
can Songbook-style treat- and pungent imagery of try feel to "House Where
ment in "Come On Up to Waits' songs, with their veins Nobody Lives," and Kat Ed-
the House," a classy collec- of hurt and flashes of hope. monson's swoony retro-pop
tion of covers performed At its best, the result is spine- stylings on "You Can Never
by two generations of fe- tinglingly melancholy. An Hold Back Spring."
male singer-songwriters. understated vocal against At its best, this is an album
The album, produced by a plain piano backdrop on which fine singers and
musician/writer Warren is all that's needed for the fine songs gel seamlessly,
Zanes to mark Waits' 70th title track to shine in a ren- from Corinne Bailey Rae's
birthday, makes clear that dition by Portland, Oregon, languid swing on "Jersey
he deserves it. Waits is a trio Joseph. Girl," to Aimee Mann's au-
superlative American song- Stripped of Waits' raspy thoritative rendition of "Hold
writer, whose snapshots of growl, the mood of many On." Best of all, sisters Shelby This cover image released by Dualtone shows “Come on Up to
life in the streets and on the songs becomes plaintive Lynne and Allison Moorer the House: Women Sing Waits,” a classy collection of covers
road have survived — even rather than gritty. Phoebe bring a beautiful unhurried performed by two generations of female singer-songwriters.
thrived on — interpretation Bridgers' delivery of the power to Waits' "Ol' 55" — Associated Press
by artists as varied as Rod tragic ballad "Georgia Lee" another bittersweet tale of ing with lady luck." Even in sures us, it's possible to look
Stewart and The Ramones. is a shade too delicate; restless movement and "rid- the gutter, Waits' work reas- at the stars.q