Page 7 - AM230519
P. 7

Diabierna, 19 Mei 2023                                       AWEMainta                                                  LOCAL               7

               Segun dokter, Bernhart

       Bünner (59) lo a bira malo na

          momento cu e tabata riba e

                toren di radio amateur

           meneer Aleman, Bernhart Bünner kende tabata di vacacion
      E  na Aruba y tabata kedando na su cas Montaña 28 I.  Mr. Bün-
       ner tabata pertenece na un grupo cu tin e hobby di radio am-

       ateur.  E  lo  a  bin  Aru-
       ba cu su amigo pa nan
       topa cu e grupo cu nan
       hobby ta radio ama-

       teur. Diahuebs mainta,
       Bernhart  cu  su  amigo                                   PUBLIC AUCTION
       y hunto cu algun ami-
       go mas nan tabata na                                                            W E D N E S D A Y

       e cas, na momento cu
       Bernhart  a  dicidi  di                                                        M A Y   1 7 ,   2 0 2 3
       subi  un  di e  torennan
       di antena pa haci un of

       otro trabou na e toren
       y esaki a kibra y e lo a                  On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 11am, at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba,
       keda colga den e har-                     will be auctioned in public (executoriale verkoop) pursuant to art. 3:268 and
       nas cu e tabata tin bis-                                               3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:

       Dr.  Mungra a bin                       De La Sallestraat 13
       constata  morto y a                     An apartment complex, situated on a full ownership property of 1.140
       resulta  cu  Sr.  Bünner                m2 , situated at De La Sallestraat in Aruba, recorded in the Title

       ta un dialyse pashent                   Registry of Aruba as First Division Section E number 336.
       y lo a bira malo na
       momento cu e lo tabata                  Starting bid: Afl. 2.100.000,00
       riba  e toren. Segun                    AUCTION NOTARY: Th.R. JOHNSON

       dokter  cu  su  peso  lo                ·The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special
       a leun  na e  toren  y  e               auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary Th.R. Johnson.
       tubonan fini cu tabata                  ·Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
       den mal estado a                        ·The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.

       kibra, cu consecuencia                  ·Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a bank in
       cu e la bin abou, pero                  Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal to the auction
       a keda  colga den e                     costs.
       harnas cu e tabata tin                  ·A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until  May 2, 2023, 5 PM. A bidding

       bisti.                                  form can be downloaded on our website.
       Esnan           presente
       mesora a sak’e for
       di e harnas y a pone

       drumi riba vloer, pero
       a ripara cu e no tabata
       dunando señal di bida                                             For more information visit:
       y  cu  urgencia a pidi                                        WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM

       pa presencia di polis y
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