Page 3 - Marriott Aruba
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                                                                                                                                                                        Friday 4 September 2015

In Honor of International Press Day;

Aruba Marriott Resorts Celebrates With Local Press

PALM BEACH - Last Sunday,     group including a week-       Marriott Resort & Stellaris
the Aruba Marriott Resort &   end stay and a dinner for     Casino, Stacey Banfield,
Stellaris Casino celebrated   two. Additionally, all press  Marketing Communica-
International Press Day with  members received a token      tions Manager, thanked
the local press in honor of   of appreciation to try their  the press for their support
their hard work and dedi-     luck at the Stellaris Casino  and efforts throughout the
cation to their important     after brunch.                 year and wished them
roles within the community.   On behalf of the Aruba        continued success.q
To show appreciation, the
Aruba Marriott invited press
members to a succulent
brunch at La Vista Restau-
rant, where the staff made
sure to pamper the press
members with a great time,
courteous service and a
memorable experience.
To make their special day
even brighter, the Aruba
Marriott team raffled some
great prizes amongst the
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