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Friday 6 april 2018
Obama-era clean-air rule on methane emissions blocked again
Associated Press
on-again, off-again effort
to restrict harmful methane
emissions on federal lands
is off — again.
A federal judge in Wyo-
ming has halted the clean-
air rule indefinitely, saying it
“makes little sense” to force
oil and gas companies to
comply with the Obama-
era rule when the Trump
administration has moved
to roll back the 2016 regu-
The Interior Department is
accepting comments on
its proposed rewrite and
expects to issue a final rule
this summer.
In the meantime, Judge
Scott Skavdahl said enforc-
ing the earlier rule would
provide “minimal public
benefit” while imposing po-
tentially significant costs on
“Sadly, and frustratingly,
this case is symbolic of In this June 12, 2014, file photo, oil pumps and natural gas burn off in Watford City, N.D.
the dysfunction in the cur- Associated Press
rent state of administrative has frustrated the admin- administrative actions as The November 2016 rule controlled Senate.
law,” Skavdahl wrote in an istrative review process in the Trump administration forced energy companies Dan Naatz, vice president
11-page opinion Wednes- this court.” tries to weaken or delay a to capture methane gas of government affairs for
day in Casper, Wyoming. Skavdahl’s ruling is the lat- rule imposed in the waning burned off or wasted at the Independent Petro-
“Unfortunately, it is not the est in a back-and-forth se- days of the Obama admin- drilling sites on public lands. leum Association of Amer-
first time this dysfunction ries of court decisions and istration. Methane emissions are a ica, cheered the latest
key contributor to climate court decision.
change. Methane, the “A new rule is coming out,”
main component of natu- he said.
ral gas, is far more potent “The agency is taking com-
at trapping heat than car- ments on it now.” Trying to
bon dioxide but does not enforce Obama-era rule in
stay in the air as long. the meantime would only
Many companies consider cause confusion, he add-
the federal rule unneces- ed.
sary and overly intrusive But Peter Zalzal, a lawyer
and note that companies for the Environmental De-
have an economic incen- fense Fund, said the ruling
tive to capture the meth- “effectively punishes” law-
ane so they can sell it. abiding companies that
A federal judge in San have been complying with
Francisco reinstated the the new standards, “while
rule in February, even as rewarding those in the oil
the Trump administration and gas industry that are
proposed a new one that recklessly wasting a valu-
would significantly weaken able public resource and
the original. squandering tax payers’
Courts in Wyoming and hard-earned money.”
California have issued con- The environmental group
flicting opinions on the rule, pledged to appeal the
and a bid by Congress case, likely ensuring anoth-
to overturn the measure er legal round in the much-
failed in the Republican- litigated case.q