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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 6 March 2020
            With hand sanitizer nearby, Dubai Comic Con laughs at virus

            By JON GAMBRELL              Emirates,  say  it  is  emptier  mot of Jordan and 21-year-
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  than  they've  ever  seen  it.  old  Mohamed  Rashed  of
            ates (AP) — As papier-mâ-    Meanwhile,  a  host  of  big  Egypt  —  they  acknowl-
            ché  hand  grenades  and  events  including  Dubai's  edged that the coronavirus
            plastic  assault  rifles  barely  annual boat show and art  did come up in their minds
            caught  the  attention  of  exhibition  have  been  put  as  they  attended.  And  if
            security  guards,  a  health  on hold.                    it  hadn't,  "my  mom,  my
            official  in  Dubai  wordlessly  But not Comic Con. As ac-  friends'  mom,  everyone's
            watched  over  an  infrared  tor John Rhys-Davies — you  mom" had reminded them
            camera  filming  all  who  know  him  as  the  Egyptian  beforehand, Rashed said.
            passed  by  —  including  a  character  Sallah  from  the  Luckily,  the  two  plumbers
            few  scythe-wielding  Grim  "Indiana  Jones"  franchise  wear large gloves. Rashed
            Reapers.                     —  exhorted  a  crowd  to  substituted  in  two  sets  of
            Welcome to Comic Con in  become  filmmakers  them-        latex  gloves,  which  he
            the times of the new coro-   selves,  the  halls  at  the  snapped  to  show  journal-
            navirus.                     Dubai  World  Trade  Center  ists.                        Two women wearing masks dressed as sword-wielding anime
            The  Middle  East  Film  &  slowly filled.                "The gloves still work with the   characters  pose  for  a  photograph  at  the  Middle  East  Film  &
                                                                                                   Comic Con in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Thursday, March 5,
            Comic  Con  began  Thurs-    For the uninitiated, anyone  Luigi  thing,"  said  Rashed,   2020.
            day night in Dubai, a city of  can come to a Comic Con  who went as a voodoo doll                                               Associated Press
            skyscrapers and nightclubs  in  your  street  clothes.  But  to his first Comic Con.
            suddenly  subdued  by  the  many  choose  to  cosplay,  Both  Rashed  and  Zumot  Reapers  moving  through  est  building,  with  the  cap-
            outbreak  of  the  new  virus  or "costume play," as a fa-  praised  the  organizers  for  the  crowd  to  the  beat  of  tion "Back to Dubai."
            across the region. The wid-  vorite  character  from  a  having  thermal  scanners,  pop music.                     Other  stands  tested  the
            er United Arab Emirates has  film,  television  show,  video  hand sanitizer and medical  One  cosplayer,  who  only  germaphobe.   A    giant
            at least 28 confirmed cases  game or comic book.          staff on hand for the event.  gestured  to  a  journalist  mockup of Thor's hammer,
            of  the  virus,  a  small  num-  An initial surprise came from  However,  Zumot  offered  a  when questioned, wore the  supposedly  unliftable  ex-
            ber compared to the 3,750  an Emirati in the traditional  bit more of a fatalistic view.  long-nose black beak of a  cept for the worthy, found
            cases region wide, but the  kandora     robes,   ghuttra  "If corona gets me, it's go-  plague doctor. It didn't stop  itself lifted and touched all
            concern here is growing.     headscarf and lifelike mask  ing to get me!" he bellowed  a  woman  in  a  mask  from  over by every person want-
            Nationwide,  schools  and  of  Nemesis  from  the  "Resi-  in his red overalls.        taking a selfie with him.    ing a photograph.
            universities  will  be  shut  dent  Evil"  video  game  se-  Others  took  a  bit  more  of  Stands  sold  pop-culture  Deeper  inside,  those  cos-
            down  for  four  weeks  be-  ries. He played a guitar for  a  cautious  view,  wear-   paintings  infused  with  an  tumed took part in sessions
            ginning  Sunday.  The  few  happy  Instagramers.  Hand  ing  off-character  surgical  Emirati vibe. A Batman next  of a dance contest to win
            frequent  fliers  trickling  out  sanitizer  stations  stood  at  masks  or  in-character  pro-  to  a  Dubai  police  officer  prizes. They watched moni-
            of  Dubai  International  Air-  the ready nearby.         tection  like  bandit  masks  getting out of a sports car.  tors  for  the  moves,  egged
            port, the world's busiest for  For  the  Nintendo-famed  covering  the  lower  half  of  The  DeLorean  from  "Back  on by a master of ceremo-
            international travel and the  plumbers Mario and Luigi —  their  faces.  Most  seemed  to the Future" in front of the  nies  who  may  have  exag-
            home  of  long-haul  carrier  rather  24-year-old  Bibi  Zu-  unconcerned  by  the  Grim  Burj Khalifa, the world's tall-  gerated his qualifications.q

            UN food aid chief fears

            for Africa, Mideast amid

            new crises

            AMMAN,  Jordan  (AP)  —  set  aside  to  address  the
            The head of the U.N.'s food  needs in Africa, East Africa,
            aid agency warned of "ab-    West  Africa,  in  the  Middle
            solute  devastation"  in  Afri-  East  right  now,"  Beasley
            ca and parts of the Middle  said during an interview in
            East  in  coming  months  if  Jordan  late  Wednesday,
            wealthier nations grappling  after a visit to Syria. "If there
            with  an  economic  down-    is  an  economic  downturn,
            turn linked to the new coro-  on  top  of  the  economic
            navirus  don't  step  up  aid  downturn  that  exists  now
            efforts in countries in need.  in  Syria  and  Lebanon,  it
            David  Beasley,  head  of  absolutely  could  be  a  ca-
            the  World  Food  Program,  tastrophe," he said. "I mean
            told  The  Associated  Press  absolute devastation. I am
            that  the  convergence  of  very    concerned    about
            several crises could further  what would happen in the
            destabilize  conflict-scarred  next six months. You could
            regions.                     see  destabilization  unlike
            "If  the corona virus  contin-  any time period, maybe in
            ues to create panic around  my  lifetime."  In  the  Middle
            the  world,  and  there  is  an  East, Iran has been hardest
            economic     downturn,    I  hit  by  the  new  virus  which
            have  been  telling  the  Eu-  has  spread  around  the
            ropean leaders, and lead-    globe  after  first  being  de-
            ers  around  the  world,  you  tected  in  the  Chinese  city
            don't have enough money  of Wuhan late last year.q
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