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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 21 aPriL 2021

                         Pakistani Parliament debates whether to expel French envoy

            (AP)  —  A  lawmaker  that erupted April 12 after the  about the wording of the res-
            from  Pakistan's  ruling  arrest of Saad Rizvi, the lead-  olution.
            party    Tuesday    kicked  er  of  the  Tehreek-e-Labaik.
            off  a  debate  on  whether  Rizvi had threatened the gov-  The  tensions  originated  last
            the  French  ambassador  ernment  with  mass  protests  year  when  France’s  presi-
            should  be  expelled  over  if the French envoy was not  dent  defended  as  a  freedom
            the publication in France  expelled.                      of  speech  issue  the  publica-
            of  controversial  cartoons                               tion of caricatures of Islam’s
            depicting Islam’s Prophet  Earlier  on  Tuesday,  Interior  Prophet  Muhammad  by  a
            Muhammad.                    Minister Sheikh Rashid Ah-   satirical  newspaper,  drawing
                                         mad said that under the par-  condemnation  from  across
            The  resolution  from  Amjad  liamentary resolution, crimi-  the Muslim world.
            Ali,  a  lawmaker  from  Teh-  nal  cases  against  Islamists
            reek-e-Insaf, was seen as a test  involved  in  the  deadly  anti-  Tehreek-e-Labaik   Pakistan
            of  whether  the  government  France  protests  would  be  members  also  are  protesting
            gives in to threats from radi-  withdrawn.  However,  there  the  arrest  of  Rizvi,  a  cleric
            cal  Islamists.  It  came  hours  was no mention of the release  who emerged as the leader of                       Rizvi’s  supporters  took  to
            after  the  country's  interior  of Rizvi or his supporters in  the group in November after  The  government  has  said  it  streets across the country last
            minister  announced  success  the resolution.             the  sudden  death  of  his  fa-  only committed to discussing  week  when  police  arrested
            in his talks with an outlawed                             ther, Khadim Hussein Rizvi.  the matter in Parliament be-  him. The reaction from Riz-
            hard-line Islamist group Teh-  Asad  Qaiser,  speaker  of  the                         fore  April  20,  when  Ahmad  vi’s supporters against his ar-
            reek-e-Labaik Pakistan.      National   Assembly,    ad-  Rizvi and his party want the  said  a  resolution  would  be  rest was so swift that violence
                                         journed  the  session  amid  French  ambassador  expelled  moved  in  the  National  As-  quickly  spread  across  the
            It also came after 10 people,  heated  debate  until  Friday,  under an agreement between  sembly,  the  lower  house  of  country. Four police officers
            including  four  police  offi-  asking  the  government  to  the  government  and  Rizvi’s  Parliament.             and at least six demonstrators
            cers,  were  killed  in  protests  address  opposition  concerns  party in February.                                were killed in the violence.

                              Egypt's premier visits Libya to discuss trade, other ties

                                                                                                   Cabinet headed by Dbeibah.  Hifter’s     14-month-long
                                                                                                   Its  appointment  in  February  campaign  collapsed  after
                                                                                                   under a U.N.-led process has  Turkey and Qatar stepped up
                                                                                                   revived  hopes  of  stability  in  their military support for the
                                                                                                   oil-rich Libya.              Tripoli  administration  with
                                                                                                                                hundreds of troops and thou-
                                                                                                   Egypt  President  Abdel  Fat-  sands of Syrian mercenaries.
                                                                                                   tah el-Sissi received Dbeibah
                                                                                                   in  Cairo  in  February.  He  Following  Hifter’s  defeat,
                                                                                                   stressed  “his  eagerness  to  el-Sissi  had  threatened  to
                                                                                                   support  the  Libyan  people”  intervene  militarily  in  Lib-
                                                                                                   on  the  road  to  stability  and  ya  if  Turkey-backed  forces
                                                                                                   offered  to  share  Egypt’s  ex-  marched  on  the  strategic
                                                                                                   pertise on rolling out devel-  coastal  city  of  Sirte,  held  by
                                                                                                   opmental projects to rebuild  Hifter’s forces. Had this hap-
                                                                                                   Libya’s shattered economy.   pened, it would have brought
                                                                                                                                Egypt  and  Turkey  —  close
                                                                                                   Libya was divided since 2015  U.S. allies that support rival
                                                                                                   between  two  governments,  sides  in  the  conflict  —  into
                                                                                                   one in the east and one in the  direct confrontation.
                                                                                                   west, with each backed by an
                                                                                                   array  of  militias  and  foreign  Months  of  U.N.-led  talks
                                                                                                   governments.                 resulted  in  a  deal  in  Octo-
                                                                                                   Egypt  sees  the  chaos  in  ber that ended hostilities and
                                                                                                   neighboring Libya a threat to  called  for  the  withdrawal  of
                                                                                                   its stability, with militants us-  all  foreign  forces  and  mer-
                                                                                                   ing the Libyan desert as a safe  cenaries  in  three  months  as
                                                                                                   haven  and  to  launch  deadly  well as adherence to a U.N.
                                                                                                   attacks  on  Egyptian  security  arms embargo. Those provi-
                                                                                                   forces and Christians.       sions have not been met.

            (AP)  —  Egypt’s  prime                                   reopen its embassy in Tripoli,  Also,  tens  of  thousands  of  U.N. Secretary-General An-
            minister  visited  Libya's  Madbouly landed at Tripoli’s  which has been closed for the  Egyptians  have  sought  work  tonio Guterres warned Tues-
            capital Tuesday to discuss  Mitiga  International  Airport  past five years because of the  in neighboring Libya over the  day that the presence of for-
            trade  and  other  ties  with  with 11 members of his Cab-  chaos there.               years,  although  the  number  eign fighters and mercenaries
            the newly appointed gov-     inet  and  trade  and  industry                           has  declined  since  the  2011  in the country threatens “the
            ernment, his office said.    officials,  his  office  said  in  a  Madbouly's visit comes after  uprising.          hard-won gains made on the
                                         statement. He then met with  an interim government took                                security and political fronts.”
            Prime    Minister   Mustafa  Libya's Prime Minister Abdul  power  in  Libya  last  month  Egypt, along with Russia and  He called for their “rapid and
            Madbouly is the most senior  Hamid Dbeibah.               aimed  at  holding  elations  in  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  unconditional”   departure
            Egyptian official to visit Lib-                           the North African country in  was  a  key  backer  of  eastern  from Libya.
            ya since the oil-rich country  Dbeibah  told  a  joint  news  December  after  a  decade  of  aligned  military  command-
            plunged into chaos in 2011. A  conference  that  they  inked  fighting and upheaval.   er  Khalifa  Hifter,  who  had  The  U.N.  estimated  in  De-
            NATO-backed uprising  that  a  dozen  deals  on  electricity,                          launched  an  offensive  in  cember  there  were  at  least
            year  toppled  longtime  ruler  telecommunications,  infra-  That  interim  government  2019 to capture Tripoli from  20,000  foreign  fighters  and
            Moammar Gadhafi, who was  structure,  health  and  educa-  includes  a  three-member  the U.N.-supported govern-    mercenaries in Libya.
            later killed.                tion.  He  called  for  Egypt  to  Presidential  Council  and  a  ment  in  the  west.  However,
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