Page 16 - ARUBA BANK
P. 16
Friday 13 april 2018
Tourism increased with 4, 3 % in first quarter 2018
REVPAR plusses with 15, 6 % against last year
ORANJESTAD – Aruba wel- America has grown with
comed a total of 274.955 13,1 % (+ 9.274 tourists/ Aruba ‘Stay-over’ visitors in the first quarter of
‘stay-over’ visitors in the first total 80.182 tourists) and
quarter of 2018. This is 4, 3 contains 81,4 % of the total 2018 including and excluding Venezuela
% (+ 11.390 tourists) more number of tourists coming
compared to the same time to our island. In March, Unit-
last year. If the Venezuelan ed States tourism increased
tourists are excluded, the with 13, 5 % (+ 8.738 tourists/
increase is even higher: 9, total 73.685 tourists) and
2 % (+ 22.519 tourists) which Canada with 9% (+ 536 tour-
makes a total of 267.678 ists/total 6.497turista) com-
visitors that came to Aruba pared to the same month
to ‘stay-over’. These num- in 2017. For the first quar-
bers show a significant ter of 2018, North America
growth in the key markets brought 214.340 tourists to
for Aruba: United States, Aruba, an increase of 9.8%
Canada, Argentina and (+19.123 tourists).
The Netherlands. In March,
Aruba welcomed a total of The Latin American conti-
98.467 stay-over visitors, an nent decreased in number
increase of 9, 2 % in com- of tourists with 16.1% (- 1.770
parison to the same month tourists/total 9.226 tourists)
in 2017. When we exclude and Venezuela has even
the Venezuelan visitors, the shrined with 65.5% (- 2.698
increase is 12, 8 %, equal to tourists/total 1.419 tourists)
97.048 visitors to our island compared to March in Total visitors Total visitors
in 2018. 2017. Colombia however Including Venezuela Excluding Venezuela
grew with 50% (+ 954 tour-
Tourism ‘Stay-Over’ ists /total 2.863 tourists) but Atotal tourism in March. For more ships).
Aruba’s tourism is repre- Argentina has decreased the first quarter, Latin Amer- Europe shows a growth
sented by three different with 15.8% (- 421 tourists/to- ica brought 33.433 tourists with 7.3% (+ 406 tourists/ Tourism Receipts / Central
continents. Compared to tal 2.251 tourists). The Latin to Aruba, 21% (-8.902 tour- total 5.984 tourists) com- Bank of Aruba
March last year, the 2018 American continent has ists) less in comparison to pared to the same month The Banco Central de-
tourism coming from North contributed with 9.4% of the the same quarter last year. last year. The Netherlands clared that ‘Tourism Re-
decreased with 3.5% (- 104 ceipts’, for the first 9 months
tourists/total 2.881 tourists), of 2017 (January until Sep-
and United Kingdom has tember) contributed with
increased with 31.8% (+ AWG 2.292.6 million to our
84 tourists/total 348 tour- economy, an increase of
ists). Germany grew with 4% in comparison to the
60.6% (+ 269 tourists/total same period in 2016.
713 tourists) The European
continent represents 6.1% Hotels / AHATA
of tourism to Aruba in the According to the Aruba Ho-
month of March. In the first tel and Tourism Association
quarter Europa brought (AHATA) for the month of
19.519 tourists to Aruba, a March 2018, the ‘Average
growth of 6.2% (+1.132 tour- Daily Rate’ (ADR) grew with
ists). 14.1% compared to March
2017. This means US$ 288.24
Cruise Tourism in 2017 compared to US$
During March 2018, 101.237 328.95 in 2018. For the first
cruise passengers have vis- quarter of 2018, ADR grew
ited our island with a total with 10.9% in numbers: US$
of 40 different cruise ships. 333.40. The RevPAR show a
Compared to the same plus of 17.9% /US$ 246.31 in
month in 2017, cruise tour- March 2017 to US$ 290.48
ism has grown with 1.5% in 2018.For the first quarter
(+1.468 cruise tourists): in of 2018 RevPAR increased
March 2017 Aruba wel- with 15.6% - US$ 300.75
comed 99.769 visitors from The ORN per room also
38 cruise ships. plusses with 3.2% in March
In the first quarter of 2018, a 2018. The first quarter of
total of 308.838 cruise pas- 2018 ORN grew with 4%.
sengers visited Aruba (an The numbers of AHATA are
increase of 9.9% + 27.915 based on 14 resorts, most of
more passengers) over a the hotels with the excep-
total of 134 different cruises tion of Hilton Aruba Carib-
(an increase of 8.9% +11 bean Resort & Casino.q