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P. 14
local Thursday 17 augusT 2023
Birds of Aruba
ORANJESTAD — On May 11th, 2010, pictures of local birds on their so- In its living form of so much more
the Aruba Birdlife Conservation cial media that show us the beauty Canadian in the house value than any gemstone. Aruba’s
was founded with the aim of pro- of Aruba’s birds and nature in gen- The breeding season is over and it’s smallest and most master of flight.
tecting the biodiversity in general eral. Aruba Today gives you a little getting pretty cold in North Ameri- A top pollinator. A hovering Blen-
and birds in and around Aruba in peek with the following pictures ca. Shore birds have started mov- chi inspecting the human who just
particular. and descriptions from the founda- ing southwards as early as July. This entered his territory.
tions Facebook page. wetland beauty wants to keep its English: Blue-tailed Emerald (male)
Among other things, the founda- toes warm. Our Canadian friends Dutch: Blauwstaartsmaragdkolib-
tion will focus on increasing the The Great Egret know exactly where they can do rie (mannetje).
survival chances of species of wild Serenity in Aruba’s National Park, a so best. A Greater Yellowlegs redis-
birds by promoting their preserva- Great Egret flying in peace. When covering Aruba’s Bubali Wetlands. Aruba’s to enjoy. Aruba’s to
tion and conservation. The foun- it is peaceful and quite, beautiful protect.q
dation publishes the most beautiful things start happening in nature. Cabochon