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Diamars, 21 Januari 2025                                       AWEMainta                                        OBITUARIO                  39

                  “Señor ta mi wardador,                          “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,         “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
                    mi’n tin falta di nada                  maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi          I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7
                Den cunucu di yerba berde                  ta banda di boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke   With hearts full of gratitude and love, we announce
                                                                          Señor ta hasi”
                    e ta ponemi sosega.                                     Salmo 33                         the funeral of our beloved and devoted mother,
                 E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                                                grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and aunt.
                 Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                    Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa
                         Salmo: 23                               fayecimento inesperadamente di:            Elaine Margaret Rodgers
                                                                                                                      Sunrise: October 31st, 1944
        Cu dolor na nos curason pero conforme cu                     John Steve                                       Sunset: January 10th, 2025
                     boluntad di Señor
              nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                                                                 Elaine’s life was a testament to faith, love, and kindness. She
                                                                 van der Linden                            touched the hearts of everyone she met, leaving behind a legacy
                                                                                                            of cherished memories. Her gentle spirit will forever remain in the
               Hilda Angelica                                        *20-03-1968 - †02-01-2025             hearts of those who loved her as we take comfort in knowing she is
                                                                                                                    now at peace in the arms of the Lord.
           Raphaëla-Martinez                                 Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues      On behalf of her family and friends who are left to
              Mihor conoci como: “Abuelita”,                                                               Parents
                                                                                                           †Alberta and †Roland Rodgers
                 “Mama Angela” of “Keka”
                 *29-01-1929 – †16-01-2025                                                                 Children
                                                                                                           Curven Rodgers and Joanne Geerman
        Na nomber di su                                                                                    Curven Junior, Xiantee, Xianeika, Ceejay and Jaycee
                                                                                                           Giovanni Rodgers and Jasmine Ras
        †Agusto Raphaëla                                    “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  A nephew she nurtured with the love of a mother
                                                          Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.    Harold and Els Rodgers
                                                                                                           Ashley, Allard, †Arwin and Roland
        Yuinan:                                                     E ta hibami na awa trankil,
        Olimpia Margarita Rivero Martinez                           Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.               Brothers and Sisters
        †Guillermina “Guilla” y †Emilio Maduro-                            Salmo: 23                       †Pearl de Graf
        Rivero                                                                                             Astrid and †Eliane
                                                                                                           †Harold Rodgers
        Guillermo y Mercedes Rivero Martinez                     Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:            George Rodgers
                                                                        Roland                             George (Dito) Junior, Griselidys, Darwin and Henry
        Nieto(a)nan:                                                                                       Rudolf (Dolfi) and Deta Rodgers
                                                                                                           Natasha, Ryan, Gabriel, Rashim and Dariene
        Roberto y Belkis, Evan, Marry, Jennyfer, Lhia,         Raymond Tromp                               Theodora Cornett
        Angel y Alfredo                                            Mihor conoci como: “Roly”               Fernando and Ferderick
                                                                    *04-10-1954 – †14-01-2025
        Bisanieto/a:                                                                                       Father of her sons
                                                                                                           Henny Adamus
        Keshia, Iverson, Nethan, Evellene, Evandra,          Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
        Evanca, Saidy,  Robert, Jazhir, Kaeylon,                                                           Friends she loved like siblings
        D’Zion, Nigel y Ivoney.                                                                            Iris Barros
                                                                                                           Melva Eman
                                                                                                           †Suset Baptist
        Tataranieto/a nan
                                                                                                           The neighbors who shared in her life’s journey
        Rumanan:                                                                                           Family Richardson
                                                                                                           Family Eman
        †Patria Martinez y famia                                                                           Family Celaire
        †Ivhanoe Vitiello Martinez y famia                      Gradicimento / Invitacion                  Family Granadillo
                                                                                                           Family Barros
        Sobrinonan stima, bisiñanan di Kamay,             Na nomber di famia nan nos kier a gradici cada   The colleagues she worked alongside with pride at
        amiga y amigonan y demas famia na                 un cu a tuma nan tempo pa a bin dispidi di nos   Oriental Restaurant
        Republica Dominicana, Merca y Hulanda               kerida mama, wela, bisawela y tatarawela:      Talk of the Town Hotel
        cual ta hopi pa menciona.                            Sra. vda. Johanna                             Concorde Hotel
                                                                                                           Police Station Oranjestad
        Demas famia:                                                 Wolff-Giel                            The caretakers whose care, compassion, and
        Martinez, Raphaela, Rivero, Maduro, Read,                                                          dedication provided her with comfort during her time
        Romano, Geerman, Eduards, Luydens,                                “Machina”                        of need, including -
                                                                                                           Dr. Thuis and her staff
        Christiaans, Lacle, Henriquez, Hernandez,          Boso muestra di atencion ta di hopi aprecio y   The nurses and doctors at Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital
        Tromp, Vallejo, Florez, Croes, Lee, Williams,     un gran sosten pa nos. Un danki na un y tur cu a   The staff and nurses at Cas di Machi Nursing Home.
        Wout, Angela, Koolman, Ramchandani,              manda carchi, krans, whatsapp, email, mensahe
        Godet, Schwengle Karssen, Quandt,                   via medianan social y a haci yamada nan        The brothers and sisters of the Seventh-day Adventist
                                                                                                           Church who stood by her in faith offering their love,
        Semerel, Hayer, Vega, Ridderstaat y                               telefonico.                      prayers, and unwavering support throughout her life
                                                           Tambe na Dr Singh, full e team di Amelia Care   Elaine is related to the families
        Ta invita pa asisti na acto di despedida           Services y Aurora Funeral Home pa cu su bon     Rodgers, Geerman, Ras, Dubero, de Graf, Peterson,
                                                                                                           Cornett, Adamus, Baptist, Steward, Howard, Gumson,
                                                                      servicio y atencion,
        y entiero cu lo tuma lugar diaranson 22                                                            Zink, Moreno, Richardson, Barros, Eman, Celaire,
        januari 2025 for di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi na      Ta invita pa asisti na 3 Santo Sacrificio di Misa   Granadillo, Ruiz, Luidens, Acosta, Koeiman, Meeyee,
                                                                                                           Greep, Moreira, Beddo, Romney.
        Misa Sta. Anna na Noord despues lo sali pa                  cual lo tuma lugar ariba:
        santana di Noord.                                             diamars 21 di januari                The Funeral Services will take place on Tuesday,
                                                                pa 5:30 pm na Kapel di Alto Vista,         January 21st, 2024, from 9 AM to 11 AM at Aurora
        Nos ta pidi disculpa si den nos tristeza nos a                                                     Funeral Home, and from there to the Protestant
                                                                                                           Cemetery in Oranjestad, where Elaine will be laid to
        lubida di menciona algún famia of amistad.                   diabierna 24 di januari               rest with her beloved mother and father.
                                                            pa 6:30 pm na Misa Santa Anna na Noord,
                                                                                                           Please accept our sincere apologies if we may have
        Despues di entiero no ta ricibi bishita di                   diasabra 25 di januari                forgotten to mention any other family members or
        condolencia na cas.                                 pa 7:00 pm na Misa Santa Anna na Noord.
                                                                                                           Our family kindly requests your understanding and
        Ta pidi pa bisti colornan alegre pa entiero.        Despues di Sacrificio di Misa diasabra 25 di   respectfully asks that no visitors come to the family
                                                           januari lo tin un resamento na cas di Machina.   home for condolences after the burial.
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