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Bloomberg entry into
presidential race raises
ethics issues
By DAVID BAUDER note to his news organiza-
RACHEL LERMAN tion's 2,700 journalists and
AP Writers analysts Sunday, shortly
NEW YORK (AP) — With after the former New York
Michael Bloomberg now City mayor announced his
running for president, the candidacy.
news service that bears his “There is no point in trying
name said Sunday it will not to claim that covering this
"investigate" him or any of presidential campaign will
his Democratic rivals, and be easy for a newsroom
Bloomberg Opinion will no that has built up its reputa-
longer run unsigned editori- tion for independence in
als. part by not writing about
Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief ourselves,” Micklethwait In this July 27, 2016, file photo, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks during the
John Micklethwait an- wrote. third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
nounced the new rules in a Continued on Next Page Associated Press