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Dialuna 15 di Juni 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
• DIMP: Drive-
Thru a bay
‘hopi bon’
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• Saab deteni
na Cabo
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Polis cu accion • Hulanda a
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salario Curaçao y
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Ray Ellin is
Monday happy to
June 15, 2020 give back
T: 582-7800
Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Atlanta shooting, statues new focal points for protests
Associated Press for the immediate firing of
Atlanta police on Sunday the officer who opened fire
quickly released body-ca- on Brooks and announced
mera and other footage that she had accepted the
that captured the shooting resignation of Police Chief
death of a black man by Erika Shields.
a white officer who was “I do not believe that this
swiftly fired — moves that was a justified use of dead-
policing experts said could ly force,” Bottoms said.
help defuse anti-racism Roughly 150 protesters mar-
protests that were reignited ched around the Wendy’s
by the shooting. restaurant outside where
Atlanta police announced Brooks was shot, reigniting
that an officer, Garrett demonstrations that had
Rolfe, had been fired after largely simmered in the Ge-
he fatally shot Rayshard orgia capital nearly three
Brooks, 27, on Friday night, weeks after George Floyd,
and another officer, Devin another black man, died
Brosnan, had been placed after a white Minneapo-
on administrative duty. On lis police officer pressed a
Saturday, Mayor Keisha knee to his neck. Both Rolfe People hold a rally at Wendy’s on University Avenue in Atlanta on Sunday, June 14, 2020.
Lance Bottoms had called and Brosnan are white. Associated Press
Continued on Page 25