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A28    u.s. news
                 Diamars 3 November 2020

                       Hospitals competing for nurses as US coronavirus cases surge

            (AP)  —  As  the  corona-                                                                                           Paso, Texas.
            virus  pandemic  surges                                                                                             Now  placing  nurses  where
            across  the  nation  and  in-                                                                                       they're needed is “like a giant
            fections  and  hospitaliza-                                                                                         game of whack-a-mole,” said
            tions rise, medical admin-                                                                                          Hansen, whose company has
            istrators are scrambling to                                                                                         about  20,000  openings  for
            find enough nursing help                                                                                            contract nurses.
            — especially in rural areas
            and at small hospitals.                                                                                             In North Dakota, where in-
                                                                                                                                fection  rates  are  exploding,
            Nurses  are  being  trained  to                                                                                     hospitals  may  cut  back  on
            provide  care  in  fields  where                                                                                    elective  surgeries  and  seek
            they have limited experience.                                                                                       government aid to hire more
            Hospitals  are  scaling  back                                                                                       nurses  if  things  get  worse,
            services  to  ensure  enough                                                                                        North  Dakota  Hospital  As-
            staff to handle critically ill pa-                                                                                  sociation president Tim Blasl
            tients. And health systems are                                                                                      said.
            turning  to  short-term  travel
            nurses to help fill the gaps.                                                                                       In  Texas,  Gov.  Greg  Abbott
                                                                                                                                recently  announced  he  was
            Adding to the strain, experi-                                                                                       sending 75 nurses and respi-
            enced nurses are "burned out                                                                                        ratory therapists to El Paso to
            with this whole (pandemic)”                                                                                         help  handle  the  city's  surge.
            and  some  are  quitting,  said                                                                                     Wisconsin  Gov.  Tony  Evers,
            Kevin  Fitzpatrick,  an  emer-                                                                                      meanwhile,  issued  emer-
            gency  room  nurse  at  Hur-                                                                                        gency orders making it easier
            ley Medical Center in Flint,                                                                                        for nurses from elsewhere to
            Michigan, where several left  virus cases surpassing 9 mil-  said Ruth Risley-Gray, senior  ing just about everywhere in  practice  in  his  state  and  for
            just  in  the  past  month  to  lion in the U.S. and new daily  vice president and chief nurs-  the country, hospitals nation-  retired nurses to come back.
            work in hospice or home care  infections rising in 47 states,  ing officer at Aspirus.  wide  are  competing  for  the
            or at outpatient clinics.    the need is only increasing.                              same  pool  of  nurses,  offer-  “This  has  been  a  challenge,
                                                                      Outside help still is needed,  ing pay ranging from $1,500  and we've been pleading with
            “And  replacing  them  is  not  Wausau,   Wisconsin-based  in part because some nurses  a week to more than $5,000,  the  community  members  to
            easy," Fitzpatrick said.     Aspirus Health Care is offer-  have  gotten  sick  from  or  said April Hansen, executive  protect  themselves  and  oth-
            As a result, he said, the ER is  ing  $15,000  signing  bonuses  were  exposed  to  the  cor-  vice president at San Diego-  ers,”  by  wearing  masks  and
            operating at about five nurses  for nurses with at least a year  navirus  during  the  current  based Aya Healthcare, which  social  distancing,  said  Aspi-
            short  of  its  optimal  level  at  of experience and hiring con-  wave,  which  “came  with  a  recruits  and  deploys  travel  rus'  Risley-Gray,  who  said
            any given time, and each one  tract  nurses  through  private  vengeance”  starting  in  Au-  nurses.               the  positivity  rate  among
            typically  cares  for  four  pa-  staffing companies to handle  gust, Risley-Gray said. At one                      community  members  tested
            tients  as  COVID-19  hospi-  a  surge  in  hospitalizations  point  in  mid-October,  215  She said demand for their ser-  by  Aspirus  rose  from  under
            talizations  surge  anew.  Hos-  that prompted the system to  staffers were in isolation after  vices has more than doubled  10% in September to 24% last
            pital officials did not respond  almost  quadruple  the  num-  showing  symptoms  or  be-  since  early  in  the  pandemic  week.
            to requests for comment.     ber of beds dedicated to CO-  ing exposed to someone who  when  the  greatest  need  was
                                         VID-19 patients.             tested  positive,  and  some  in  hot  spots  like  New  York  To  combat  the  emotional
            But  the  departures  are  not                            are just starting to return  to  and  New  Jersey  and  then  toll  and  fatigue  that  comes
            surprising,  according  to  ex-  Aspirus,  which  operates  five  work.                moved to southern states. In  with  caring  for  COVID-19
            perts,  considering  not  only  hospitals  in  Wisconsin  and                          recent  weeks  the  virus  has  patients, including just don-
            the  mental  toll  but  the  fact  four in small communities in  Aspirus  recently  was  able  to  been spiking across the coun-  ning  and  removing  protec-
            that  many  nurses  trained  in  Michigan’s Upper Peninsula,  hire  18  nurses  from  outside  try,  with  the  new  hot  spots  tive  equipment  all  day,  As-
            acute care are over 50 and at  also is moving nurses around  agencies, and may need more  in places like the rural upper  pirus has been giving nurses
            increased  risk  of  complica-  between departments and fa-  if  the  surge  continues.  Be-  Midwest  and  southern-bor-  microbreaks and quiet places
            tions  if  they  contract  COV-  cilities  as  hot  spots  emerge,  cause  the  pandemic  is  surg-  der  communities  such  as  El  to get away and collect them-
            ID-19, while younger nurses                                                                                         selves  when  they  feel  over-
            often have children or other                                                                                        whelmed.
            family to worry about.
                                                                                                                                Travel nurses say the need at
            “Who can actually work and                                                                                          small  hospitals  tends  to  be
            who  feels  safe  working  are                                                                                      greater  than  at  larger  facili-
            limited by family obligations                                                                                       ties.
            to protect their own health,”                                                                                       Robert  Gardner,  who's  cur-
            said  Karen  Donelan,  profes-                                                                                      rently  assigned  to  a  hospi-
            sor  of  U.S.  health  policy  at                                                                                   tal in a small town about 20
            Brandeis University’s Heller                                                                                        miles west of Atlanta, said he
            School for Social Policy and                                                                                        did search and rescue in the
            Management.  “All  of  those                                                                                        Coast  Guard  during  Hur-
            things have been factors.”                                                                                          ricane  Katrina  and  the  pan-
                                                                                                                                demic  is  “a  lot  worse.”  He
            Donelan  said  there  is  little                                                                                    worked at a large New Jersey
            data so far on how the pan-                                                                                         hospital when that state was
            demic, which has killed more                                                                                        swamped by the virus in the
            than  231,000  people  in  the                                                                                      spring, and now worries that
            country,  is  affecting  nursing                                                                                    flu  season  could  bring  fur-
            overall.  But  some  hospitals                                                                                      ther  chaos  to  hospitals.  But
            had  a  shortage  even  before                                                                                      he's  determined  to  stick  it
            the virus took hold, despite a                                                                                      out, no matter what.
            national rise in the number of                                                                                      “It’s  not  even  a  question,”
            nurses over the past decade.                                                                                        Gardner  said.  “Nursing  is  a
            With total confirmed corona-                                                                                        calling.”
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