Page 14 - MARRIOT April 21, 2015
P. 14

                                                                                                               Tuesday 21 April 2015

Desisa wins 119th Boston Marathon; Rotich takes women’s race

Caroline Rotich, of Kenya, breaks the tape to win the women’s                                                                    for the final quarter-mile,
                                                                                                                                 switching places before
division of the Boston Marathon, Monday, April 20, 2015, in                                                                      Rotich kicked into the lead
                                                                                                                                 for her first Boston title.
Boston.					                    Associated Press                                                                                 “I got to the last corner and
                                                                                                                                 I saw the finish line tape
JIMMY GOLEN                     interrupted the winner’s         Lelisa Desisa, of Ethiopia, crosses the finish line to win the  and I thought, ‘This is it, I’m
AP Sports Writer                news conference to place                                                                         not going to let it go,’” said
BOSTON (AP) — Lelisa De-        the trophy on the table          Boston Marathon, Monday, April 20, 2015, in Boston.             Rotich, who also collected
sisa won his first Boston Mar-  next to Desisa and 2014                                                                          $150,000 while giving Ke-
athon in 2013.                  winner Meb Keflezighi and                                              Associated Press          nya its fifth straight wom-
He didn’t have much time        thank them both for help-                                                                        en’s champion. “I was like,
to celebrate.                   ing the race heal.               flezighi, who wrote the Two years after the ex-                 ‘No, not today.’ And I kept
A few hours after Desisa        “In 2013, Lelisa had won                                                                         going.”
broke the tape on Boylston      and we were sitting in           names of the bombing plosions, “Boston Strong”                  Rotich won in 2:24:55, with
Street on Patriots’ Day, two    these same chairs. And                                                                           Deba in third. Linden fin-
bombs near the finish line      then soon after, and unfor-      victims on his race bib last was still ubiquitous — on          ished fourth, and fellow
turned what should be the       tunately, Lelisa did not get                                                                     U.S. Olympian Shalane Fla-
pinnacle of any distance        to have the kind of victory      year. “People were cheer- shirts and signs, written in          nagan was ninth.
runner’s career into an af-     celebration that a cham-                                                                         American Tatyana McFad-
terthought.                     pion of the Boston Mara-         ing like crazy, saying ‘U- chalk on the street and              den won her third straight
Desisa earned his second        thon should have,” Fleming                                                                       women’s wheelchair race,
Boston Marathon title Mon-      said. “Lelisa, we want you       S-A!’ I was chanting with shouted by spectators.                and Marcel Hug won his
day, finishing in 2 hours,      to get your due today.”                                                                          first men’s title earlier Mon-
9 minutes, 17 seconds           Desisa was in the leading        them.”          But the crowds along the                        day. Ernst Van Dyk, the
to claim a golden olive         pack for the entire race,                                                                        most decorated Boston
wreath, the $150,000 first      pulling away to beat coun-       The 2004 Olympic silver 26.2-mile course from Hop-              Marathon competitor in
prize and a winner’s medal      tryman Yemane Adhane                                                                             history, finished second in
to replace the one he do-       Tsegay by 31 seconds in          medalist, who will turn 40 kinton to Copley Square              his attempt to win the race
nated to the city two years     the first 1-2 finish for Ethio-                                                                  for an 11th time.
ago in memory of the vic-       pia in the race’s history. Ke-   next month, was among were smaller than in 2014,                Security was visible but not
tims.                           nya’s Wilson Chebet was                                                                          intrusive for the second run-
And this one he plans to        third, another 34 seconds        the leaders until the 35-kilo- no doubt thinned by the          ning since the bombings.
enjoy.                          back.                                                                                            State and local police,
“This medal, I think, is for    Dathan Ritzenhein of Rock-       meter mark, when he took mid-40s temperatures, stiff            some riding bicycles and
me,” Desisa said.               ford, Michigan, was the                                                                          others on all-terrain vehi-
Kenya’s Carolina Rotich         first American, in seventh.      a drink of water that went wind and rain that was ex-           cles, were supplemented
won the women’s race,           Keflezighi finished eighth a                                                                     by National Guard soldiers
beating Mare Dibaba in a        year after his victory — the     down the wrong way. He pected to pick up in the                 who walked alongside the
shoulder-to-shoulder sprint     first for an American man                                                                        road, applauding passing
down Boylston Street to win     since 1983 — gave the city       had to stop five times to afternoon.                            runners and occasionally
by 4 seconds as the world’s     a tangible symbol of its                                                                         reaching across the tem-
most prestigious marathon       comeback.                        vomit.          With many of the runners                        porary fencing to high-five
took a tentative step back      “I was crying on Boylston                                                                        fans.
toward normal.                  Street, because it was           As it did last year, the wearing long sleeves and               Officials were preparing for
Boston Athletic Association     bringing up memories,                                                                            a crowd of 1 million spec-
spokesman Jack Fleming          good and bad,” said Ke-          crowd encouraged him to gloves to fight off the cold,           tators stretched along the
                                                                 go on. A few hundred feet American Desiree Linden               Like Desisa, they were also
                                                                                                                                 looking for something to
                                                                 from the finish, he sprinted led for much of the wom-           celebrate.
                                                                                                                                 “Last year was important
                                                                 to catch up to one of the en’s race. But Linden fell            to have a better ending
                                                                                                                                 than that day in 2013, and
                                                                 female stragglers, grab- off the pace in the final              to support Boston,” said
                                                                                                                                 Ramona Turner, who came
                                                                 bing her hand and crossing miles as Rotich and a pair           from Winnipeg, Canada,
                                                                                                                                 to watch her husband run
                                                                 alongside her.  of Ethiopians pulled away.                      for the third year in a row.
                                                                                                                                 “This year, I’m here for the
                                                                 “It was an amazing oppor- After Buzunesh Deba, last             party.”q

                                                                 tunity for us to finish togeth- year’s runner-up, fell be-

                                                                 er,” Keflezighi said. “Hope- hind at the final turn onto

                                                                 fully, it will be a memorable Boylston Street, Rotich

                                                                 experience for both of us.” and Dibaba ran together
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