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local Wednesday 17 May 2023
Crioyo Productions teases new short film “CAMP”
(Oranjestad)—Crioyo Pro- story and best sound. The while also maintaining the
ductions is a local produc- film ended up snatching standard of quality for their
tion team, consisting of the price for best charac- film: “We want to create
eight talented people with ter. Both films were written, something that can reso-
a mission to produce quali- filmed and produced in less nate with a global audi-
ty film that showcase differ- than 48 hours. ence,” Frederik “Professor”
ent local talents within the Bernabela stated. Frederik
Aruban community. “Our passion of making is a director and co-found-
movies is something that er of Crioyo Productions.
Crioyo Productions was es- sets us apart,” according “Our goal is to not only put
tablished in 2022. In a short to Jason Yarzagaray, co- Aruba on the map, but also
time, they have produced founder of the production change the way people and violence. sometimes,” Professor said.
two short film, namely “Ru- team. “We strive to pro- perceive Caribbean cin- “We hope to inspire other
man” and “Nigh Shift,” with duce films that provoke ema.” “We want to tell a story that people within our commu-
both receiving positive re- emotions while also illustrat- is sometimes overlooked or nity as well.”
actions from the public. ing different aspects of our The story behind CAMP is underestimated within our
“Ruman” was part of the island and culture.” inspired by real events. The community, and create Crioyo Productions’ com-
international Four Points story was written by Ephray- awareness about this exist- promise is to produce sub-
Film Project, and will be Currently, the team is work- im Odor, a talented local ing problem,” Jeanmiree lime content, in which their
presented as a short film ing on “CAMP,” which writer, who is also known as van der Werf have stated, work and quality will shine
this year at the Playa Film promises to be their biggest a member of the comedy researcher for Crioyo Pro- through. The team think
Festival. During their partici- production yet. The team sketch team “Djis pa Hari” ductions and social worker. that there are so many
pation in the Bonaire’s 48- has especially focused on (Just for Laughs). This movie stories that have yet to be
hour Film Project, their sec- looking for local actors and tells the story of two friends “The goal of this project told and they hope to con-
ond short film, “Night Shift,” artists, so that they could that grew up and live in a is to inspire kids to make tinue producing and shar-
was nominated in different get the chance to show off neighborhood plagued the right decisions, even ing more content with the
categories, including best their talents to the world, with gang activity, drugs though life seems tough entire world.q
New regulation for homeowners of vacation rentals
ORANJESTAD – On May 10, rental (other accommoda- tial. This discussion about offer and what percent- of the permits required un-
2023, the Minister of Tour- tions) permitting process, vacation rental owners’ age of them meet their der the new regulation. The
ism and Public Health, Mr. use Airbnb, Vrbo, Booking. compliance is going on obligations. The number first step is to determine
Dangui Oduber, met with com, and other sites. for many years. The trend of vacation rentals gives the policy and costs for a
the ATA, AHATA, Tax De- among tourists to stay in the government an idea permit.q
partment, and the Central Creating and maintaining vacation homes has in-
Bank to discuss the regula- a level playing field for all creased, not only in Aruba
tions for the new vacation lodging businesses is essen- but worldwide. In Aruba,
30% of visitors opt for a va-
cation rental instead of
staying in a hotel.
That is why it is so crucial to
regulate vacation rental
companies. According to
the government, a level
playing field is essential for
all accommodation pro-
viders in Aruba. It includes
compliance with taxes
such as the tourism levy, as
the government wants its
fair share.
he Department of Health
Inspection and Hygiene of
the Department of Public
Health DVG will transition
into a sui generis to make
the permit process more ef-
ficient for all vacation hom-
eowners. Soon all vacation
rental companies will need
a government-issued per-
mit to operate as such.
The meeting was very ef-
fective. Now everyone
knows exactly how many
vacation homes are on